my mums in so much pain with treatment - is this right?

Hello Everyone,
I am new to this website, my mum has breast cancer and she has just had her 2nd dose of Chemo (she is having this first, then op) she is in so much pain and I really want to know if this is a " normal" reaction to the chemo or if anyone else had had a similar one.
She has a sharp paid going through her spine and has a constant headache and unless she is laid down everything just spins. Also she is unable to feel her left side and cannot grip anything, now and then she spaces out completely and says she cannot see out of one of her eyes. Is this normal??? The doctor has said its just a side effect of very strong chemo but the nurses say she should have a CT/MRI scan. I know the doctors are great but is this really just a side effect? i hate seeing her in so much pain, feel totally helpless, thought the best thing to do was get advice from people who know what she is going through… All you amazing ladies!
If anyone has had similar side effects can you let me know what helped you through as right now nothing is helping?
thank you,

What chemo drugs is she having?
Though to be honest, I don’t know of ANY chemo for which these would be expected side effects. So I’m with the nurses - get scans!

Hi Jenette, welcome to the BCC forums

I am sorry to read that your Mum is having such a bad time at the moment, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk through your concerns, they are here to offer you a listening ear and further support on 0808 800 6000

Take care


Which doctors are saying its a normal side effect of strong chemo? Her oncologist?

I would be in favour of a trip to emergency personally!

thanks for your replies guys, really appreciate the response.
The chemo she is on is called FEC. She finally saw her oncologist this morning (she stayed in the hospital overnight)and a head doctor who are sending her for a scan as they think she may have an infection behind her eyes. Plus they pumped morphine into her all night so she got a good nights sleep. Finally.
Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it now, its so frustrating seeing her in so much pain. Fingers crossed!
Thank you for the helpline number, I will more than likely need this :slight_smile:

I’m so glad to hear they are investigating properly now and looking after her. You must be very relieved. I hope she feels better soon, and you can get some rest too!

Big Hug to you. I wish I had a daughter … :frowning:

thank you Morwenna. Big hugs to you too xx