My nipple has changed, become red and hard since I was first diagnosed.

I’ve had two lots of surgery in the last two months, lump and sentinel node removal and then axillary clearance.  I’m sore and swollen but expected that!  But I’m scared stiff about the changes to my nipple on the same breast. It became red and swollen after my first biopsies so the surgeon took a biopsy of the nipple the next time and it came back negative. He suggested cortisone cream, that made no difference. It’s no better and I’m scared its Paget’s disease. I’ve been reading far too much internet stuff! Has anyone else had a similar experience? 

Hi Violet

I’ve had 3 ops on my boob now, 3 lumpectomies and 1 SNB. My nipple also started to cause problems, became scaly and sore. The surgeon said it was probably a reaction to the radioactive blue dye that they injected in the boob before the op, which I can still see there 6 months down the line! Try not to get too hung up on it, although I know it’s very difficult. The biopsy was normal so it’s unlikely to be anything sinister.

As Fluffs says,probably nothing sinister…however,do keep an eye on it,especially for any bleeding or discharge.I had Pagets,4 years after a radical mastectomy…nipple removed.

its still early days, but my adivce is if you are nto happy call them, they are really good and if worried the will scan you, once you are a cancer patient the service is better than private and hte staff are lovely, xx gl