My results are back

Well, the wait is over…I got good news and not so good news…

Good news…My Surgeon was pleased that he got all the tumour and that as the cancer had spread to all 3 levels of my Lymph glands he is happy he got that too…I was also fitted with my prothesis.

Not so good news…
I now face Chemo followed by Radio then Hormone because my cancer is oestrogen receptive…I’m waiting for my Oncology appointment now but I’m feeling a bit weird because we both came out yesterday and said " That’s good news then isn’t it?"

Only later did we sit and talk about it in depth and we both said " S*** what a bumpy long road we have to cover now"

Is this normal?? I mean, to feel elated because you think you’ve got good news about the surgery then it hits you about the next bout of treatment??

I celebrated by going out to get a pretty new bra and got professionally measured by the most wonderful lady who stocks a good selection of Mastectomy bras.
Her little shop is a haven where you feel very special because she cares…

Sue xxx

Hi Sue

I’m glad for you for the good news and yes…elation was me too - it still is in some ways. maybe it’s because we are ‘doing something’?

I’m on the same route as you, so I am 3/4 way through chemo, a holiday, then rads and tamoxifen type stuff. I have been lucky with chemo side effects being few. It’s a bit of a dull year but it’s all doable so far. I hope it’s the same or better for you.


Hi Sue,
Just found your post and I too am waiting to go for chemo, rads and then hormone therapy. I was fine until today when the appointment came through the post for the oncologist. The last 2 weeks have been great, yes I’ve been tired and sorish but I’ve been doing all my normal things. Now the real work starts for me and not sure what to expect. But I do know that there is always someone on here to help boost spirits.

Hope you are feeling a little better about it all.



Well done on how far you have come so far. Yes its a long road ahead but just tackle one element at a time. Concentrate on the chemo, the rads and HT will follow in good time but its too far away to worry about yet.

As Jen said its tough but doable, try not to fret to much we are all here for you.

Lots of Love

what are rads please?

rads are short for radiotherapy. Us ladies who’ve been around for a bit do tend to speak in abbreviations and forget that the new ladies don’t understand us. Anything else just holler and we will expand.