my sister died yesterday

Yesterday, at 13.40 pm, my dearest and wonderful sister passed away silently, surrounded by us all. She was in a coma (first an artificial coma, then a real one), so she died peacefully, I hope, without any pain, without any fear. She was in much pain the last week, and still there was so much she wanted to do, so much she wanted to arrange (she even recorded a video message for her children half a day before she went into a coma). She was afraid to let all of it go, but in the end, she just wanted the pain to take an end. I hope she has found that peace now…

It is so strange to think that she is not with us anymore; I already miss her terribly, and I feel some kind of guilt that our lives from now on just move on without her, that even today, we already have to move on without her…

I really feel for you as I too have a sister with cancer and though she is well at the minute after undergoing a course of chemo for a recurrance I have often thought about what I would do without her…I am sorry that you have to live with the reality and can only imagine how you feel. What I do think is that she wouldn’t want you to feel guilty as you obviously cared for her a lot and were there for her when she needed you. Lots of thoughts to all your family. x

So sorry chickpea, thats so sad she was obviously young.
May she RIP.

I think what she would want is for you to be there for her kids as i am sure you have been and will be.

Love Rx

Sorry to read this Chickpea my sincere condolences to you and your family



Sincere condolences chickpea from all at Breast Cancer Care.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Take care.



I am so sorry to hear of your dreadful loss and hope you can get some comfort from knowing that she was at peace at the end.

Obviously you will all now have to carry on without her physical presence and that loss is enormous and not something you will come to terms with for some time. Unfortunately there are no quick fixes, its just one day at a time but your sister will live on in your hearts forever and she will never be more than a thought away. Where ever you go and what ever you do she will be with you, always.


Dear Chickpea,
so sorry to hear of the sad loss of your sister. There really is not anything that can be said that will be of any help. This is such a horrid cruel illness it just robs us all.
Take care and pass on my condolences to all your family.

Love Debsxxx

Dear Chickpea

I am so sorry to hear that your sister has passed away. Take comfort in the fact she is at peace now and no longer suffering the pain. My thoughts are with you and your family right now.

Love Lilac

I’m so very sorry to hear this very sad news. My sincere condolences to you and your family…
Thinking of you

Ruby xx

My thoughts are with you.I hope you are able to remember your sister without too many bad memories of her illness and treatment,remember her as young healthy carefree woman and mother.She is pain free now and will be with you always.

Dear chickpea.

so very sorry to hear your news. just wanted to say i`m so very sorry sending you all our love at this time hope the children are ok. sending you all big hugs lots of love tracy x x

So sorry chickpea. Keep a close hold of those precious memories. Love and hugs Irene XXXX

your poor sister, so sad, even though surrounded by you all, to be there but not there.

My heart goes with you


I’m glad she passed peacefully but gutted for you her and your family that it had to happen. Good luck getting throught what will be tough time but please do continue to talk to us if it helps you, we would all understand if not.

Lots of love


Dear Chickpea, I am so sorry that this has happened, thinking of you and your family




I can relate to your loss a little bit as I went to the funeral of a young breast cancer friend today, life is soooooo not fair.

Hugs to you sweetie
Nikki x

Dear Chickpea

So terribly sad that you have lost your beautiful sister. You had the absolute privilege to be with her when she went, so you know that she was totally wrapped in the love of all those that she loved and like you said - you saw that she was at peace and in no pain. This will be a comfort to you in the future - I know this for sure as I was with my lovely mummy under the same circumstances.

The shock of it all will help you to get through the pain - both the physical pain that you feel in your stomach, heart, head and everywhere and it will protect you in some ways from this wierd world that we live in, that should by rights for you stop in some way to acknowlegde your loss. People will still shop, trains will still run, people will go about their lives - somehow that feels wrong.

But - through this time you will be able to hear her and what she would say to you. Listen hard and you will hear her voice, her words, her thoughts, her opinions, her love and her support. She will always be with you - in your heart, through her children, as part of you and all that you have shared.

Be strong and hold those you love close.
Take the best of care - a cyber hug to you

Dear Chickpea … my deepest condolences to you and yours xxxx
God be with you all xxx

Dear Chickpea

What can I say. Your sister sounds amazing and you will never really lose her. It is awful right now. No comprison but I lost my best friend to cancer 8 years ago and I still talk to her in my heart.

Big hug to you and so very sorry.

Much love


Dear Chickpea

I’m so sorry to hear of your sad news,
My heart really goes out to you and your family,
she is in pain no longer,and at peace.
I’m so pleased you all were with her at the end.
We never lose those our in our hearts,
They live forever
May god bless her childrenxxxx