my sister had radioactive die in yesturday her operation today lump removed plus 6 nodes they where only taking 3 main ones they said, i am very worried about this they say she will not have results of the lymph nodes for 3 weeks does anyone know why it takes so long??, she has been told she will have radiotherapy any advice will be most welcome
Regards Diane
The surgeon sometimes takes more than the 3 main ones once he/she can see what they are looking at. It’s not necessarily bad news and many people would say it’s better than having to go in again and your sister having to have a 2nd op. Don’t know why they take 3 weeks for results, I had mine in one week, but every hospital is different and works in different ways and the number of staff in the path labs varies. But it will be a worrying time for you both, you can only try to keep busy and do lots of things to take your mind off it. Best wishes to your sister.
thankyou very much wish it was only a week we had to wait i appreciate your answer.
it might be that her hospital has to send the smaples away to another hospital for testing?? I know this does happen sometimes, so the wait would be longer, i think.Mine is a large teaching hospital, thankfully, so they do everything in-house and i will (hopefully) get my results nextTuesday