My Sister has breast Cancer

My 41 yr old sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
She had only been home from hospital a week from having a heart attack
when she found the lump. Her Gp & the initial Dr who saw her told her it didn’t ‘feel’ like cancer.
A week later she was told she has invasive breast cancer, becauae of the place she has it (behind/under the nipple) she has to have a mastectomy, with lymph node removal. Until they actually do the op she won’t know how many.
Her surgeon wanted her to have the op a week later but due to her heart isues she has to wait until Nov 5th to see her anaethatist to see IF he will actually put her to sleep.
She has had a liver u/s bloodwork already done but she goes for a bone scan on Monday.
I live in Northern Ireland but left kiddos & hubby at home and came to be with her. I don’t know what to do do to help.
I have to go back home sometime soon but I feel like I’m running out on her.
The waiting is frustrating and scary, not knowing what the next step will be.
I’m absolutely terrified I’m going to lose my sister.
Is there anything I can physically do to help her?

HI Kezzani,

I think your fears of losing your sister are fears we have all live with on diagnosis - are we going to die! But most of us are still here posting. How hard for your sister to have just got thru the heart attack to get this double whammy - life sucks sometimes doesn’t it. I’m quite an old hand at the survival thing - having been dx at 45 - over 17 years ago now. I am sure your sister has been helped so much by your being with her this far and as you say it is the waiting that is so scary. Once she knows her treatment plan and can get started she will feel easier about it all. I am sure all concerned will be taking very great care to get it right after her heart attack. Whereabouts in the UK? is your sister, and is she internet savvy so that she can join in the forums here to get support. I am sure she will find that a great help. What can you do physically to help her? I don’t know - has she other family around her or is she on her own. Maybe you can make up lots of small meals for her and freeze them so when she isnt up to it there will be something ready. Others here will have their thoughts to add as well. But I wish you and your sister all the best as her treatment gets underway.


Hi Kezzani,

Dawnhc is so right in her posting, I can only echo those thoughts.

The consultants are on top of this and she is in the right hands.

My thoughts are with you, I hope all goes well with the bone scan.

Positive vibes coming your way.


Dear Kezzani

Your sister is so young, I’m sure she will be looked after by professionals who will be very aware of her situation and will give her the best possible treatment.

I was diagnosed in June with the same as your sister, i.e. tumour behind the nipple and my sister was with me for the diagnosis and for my first chemo. She lives in the West Country and me in London but she is always on the other end of the phone if I need her.

I have some good friends nearby and hope your sister has the same.

I echo what Dawn says, once the treatment plan is in place she will feel more in control.

Your sister should join the board, there are so many amazing women on here going through all sorts and she will find it a great place to chat, get advice, just rant or share her worries. Lots of laughs and funny stories too!

I really wish you and your sister all the best.

Cecelia. x

Hi Kezzani

So sorry to hear about your sister - this is a worrying time for both of you, but once she gets her scan results, and her treatment plan, she will feel more in control. All you can do at the moment is be there for her when she needs you - which you are already. She’ll go through a whole range of emotions, I know I did, and to have someone to sound off to is what we all need - and plenty of hugs too obviously !

Like the other girls have said, encourage her to join the forums - this site has been a lifeline to me, having been diagnosed back in April, and the same age as your sister - it’s not all doom and gloom, as well as advice and support, we do have lots of laughs, which as they say, is the best medicine !

I wish your sister all the very best, please let us know how she gets on.

Lots of love

Julie xxx