My Sister

Well, here we are again. I was treated for Ductal Invasive grade 3 BC, in 2012/2013.

Now I’ve just discovered that my younger sister has also been diagnosed with BC. She has had an MRI scan and has an appointment at the breast clinic on Friday 21st February to find out exactly which type of cancer she has, and wheter she will need chemo or not. I will obviously support her all I can. But as I am severely disabled and can’t walk, I won’t be able to attend appointments with her, which is a great disappointment to me. :womansad:

Hi poemsgalore,

Thank you for your post.

We are sorry to see that your sister was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and you are disappointed because you cannot help her as much as you would like.

If you or your sister ever feel the need to talk things through or find support you can get in touch with our breast care nurses on freephone 0808 800 6000. They are available from Mondays - Fridays from 9am - 4pm and Saturdays from 9am - 1pm.

Sending you our warmest wishes,
