My story

Hi ladies

thought I might share my story , as when I was diagnosed back in march I found this site my lifeline 

I was diagnosed in march with Idc 

i had wle and snlb and thankfully my nodes were clear , 

after surgery I was unlucky and got infection and ended up in hospital for a few days 

I looked for support on this site so much at that point 

I had oncotype test and this came back low score so didn’t need chemo 

have just finished 15 rounds of rads and feel a little sore , but otherwise not to bad 

am now on the 5 years of lorazole and so far ok , but have only just started them 

this sight has and still is a lifeline for me and I would like to thank all the ladies for kind words and support xx

I am having the Oncotype DX test done on my tumour at the moment - results due in 2 weeks. Extremely apprehensive and scared right now with what might come back. Well-meaning friends are all telling me that if chemo is recommended, then I should have it, even if the potential benefit is small - but they aren’t the ones having to have it are they??!!

If the percentage benefit is relatively small they leave it to you to decide which is really hard -there are quite a few threads about this Rosie if you search .And yes it’s all very well for friends to say these things it’s not them that’s going to have to go through it .How long did they say to get Oncotyoe text back ?

Yes ,a few of the ladies I went through treatment with were put in that position and it took a lot of soul searching to make the decision .Some found it harder than others to make the decision - it’s very personal really depending on a lot of factors .Fingers crossed it’s a clear result one way or the other (preferably on the low chance of re-occurrence side !!)

I think sometimes people just really don’t know what to say, and sometimes although trying to be helpful they end up upsetting you without realising it .A friend of mine recommended a good wig place and said she would come with me I thought that was helpful( luckily I didn’t need chemo).I think sometimes it just depends where you are emotionally at the time what upsets you .

Hugs and good luck Denise x

Thank you for sharing Denise x I love reading the positive stories gives us all hope and a reason to stay positive xx