My Young Daughter has been diagnosed with BC

Hi my youngest daughter aged just 28 was diagnosed with BC in Jan this year and has now had a MX and had a full body scan and a ct scan we get the results back for this on the 8th of March. all the waiting has been unbearable. my self and my eldest daughter have decide to raise mmoney for Breast cancer care and we have signed up to do the Ben Nevis hike in September. I am not sure if i can put my link to my just giving page so if anyone wants they can sponsor me, but all the money goes to a great cause

i am sorry if i am not meant to put this link up xx

will tell you all Once hayley get her results on thursday


You will probably get your link removed. Best to post it up again and say you will send a private message containing the link to anyone who wants it.

Hi Budster,
I really hope all goes well for your young daughter with her ongoing treatment.

I, too, am signed up for the Ben Nevis Challenge, so maybe we’ll meeet up there? As ST says, your link will probably get removed (mine did!) it’s all to do with charity law I think.

Hope you training goes well, and more, that Hayley goes from strength to strength. She will be so proud of her Mum and sister, as you are of her.

You will probably find they remove the link. Not to do with advertising, as it is fundraising for BCC after all, but I think it’s to do with maintaining online anonymity for yourself (which you might not be bothered about unless you ever had a problem) and also indirectly for your daughter. She may not want the world and his wife to know about her BC just yet. And so that eg, if you posted worries about her care, the hospital is not exposed to legal actions etc and BCC will not be liable to them. something like that.

All the very best though, and hope it goes well. Why Ben Nevis?

Hymil asks “why Ben Nevis” and I’m sure the question is really for Budster, not me. But here’s my answer…

  • I’ve wanted to climb it for years and never found anyone to come with me

  • I live in Scotland, so it’s hte most convenient of the BCC challenges on offer this year

  • It takes place the closest to my two years since diagnosis anniversary, so it is my way of celebrating being two years on from that terrifying moment.

Be interesting to know why other people are choosing some of the other BCC fundraisers… celebration, remembering lost loved ones, date, location, degree of challenge, etc.

Hi Budster and Rev cat, I too had an insane moment and signed up for Ben nevis!! I chose to do it because after 2 years im finally starting to feel “normal” and decided it was time to give something back. Its also a very personal challenge as im the fattest and unfittest person in the WORLD!! lol Ive started walking 3 times a week, depending on my shifts but i hate walking with a passion so need a bit of a push (literally!!)
perhaps we could encourage each other along the way?!!


Great idea DeeD,

Don’t want to hijack Budsters thread though… maybe you could start a Ben Nevis 2012 thread?

I see for your info you are the other end of the UK… that’s dedication to come all this way!

good idea revcat! dedication or stupidity?? ive never been north of london so its a BIG adventure!
Budster, i hope your daughters results are ok, will be keeping everything crossed for her, please let us know.
