Mylan brand tamoxifen unavailable

Hello Ladies,


I’m rather hoping that someone can help me out with a wee dilemma that I have.  I’ve been on tamoxifen for over five years, and have come to rely on Mylan brand as the one that suits me best.  I’ve had Teva before and found that quite tolerable, but just cannot manage with Wockhardt. I get quite nauseous, sore heads and sweats that last all night and day while on this brand, but it seems to be the only one readily available.  Has anyone else had a similar situation?  I know that Teva is available in 10mg packs, but my GP is refusing to prescribe it because it is 3 times the cost of 20mg packs.  I’m thinking of jacking in taking tamoxifen if this is my only option due to my quality of life going down the pan.  But I am also terrified that the tamoxifen is the only thing keeping my cancer from recurring.  Does anyone else have any other brand that they could recommend me trying?


Many thanks,  Ann x  

Hi Ann, I have the same problem. I’ve been on Teva for just over 5 years. Now it’s discontinued. I have tried relonchem and wockhardt and cant get on with either of them. I was thinking of asking for Mylan to try and then saw your post. I find it really frustrating that we have this challenge on top of everything else. Im like you, thinking should i just stop taking instead of messing around with different brands. Let me know how you get on. Xx