I know this is probably not a helpful thing to worry about, but I’m just trying to prepare myself. I had my first MRI today. I have no doubt this is routinely ordered to establish more clearly the size etc, but I am nervous about the results (I was not too enamoured with the process either - so long and so noisy!) Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had any nasty surprises after their MRI - tumour much bigger than expected, second masses etc? And did it change the treatment plan? My oncologist hasn’t ordered anything other than the MRI of the breasts so I’m encouraged by that, but I do fret about it being yet more bad news, just when I’ve got my head round the initial diagnosis. As I say, I know I should just wait and see, but I would find it useful to know how often there is any major curveball xx
I know how you feel. After being told i had breast cancer the consultant said i would need an mri for breasts and ct scan for chest, abdomen and pelvic. I was worried sick! Then i got told after them, that i would need pet scan too. The waiting is the worst part. Mine is in both breasts and lymph nodes but thankfully no further spread. I know its easier said than done but try and focus on positive things and remember, whatever the outcome that there is so much they can do these days. I agree with you about the mri, i felt so claustaphobic and it was so noisey that i could barely hear the woman talking to me lol. The other 2 are easy compared to that. Good luck and let me know how you get on
Hello lovely!
I am a massive over thinker so this resonated with me!
I was originally told I was have a lumpectomy, chemo and then rads (+ Herceptin). However, after MRI it was a bit switcheroo! I had chemo first to shrink the tumour, then surgery (double mastectomy) and finally rads.
Unfortunately for me, my tumour was hiding and made it look a lot smaller on ultrasound! But please don’t take this as gospel. I know so many ladies who are given a treatment plan and this is followed all the way through.
Whatever the outcome, I’m sure you will be in the best hands and care. Sending lots of love xxxx
I’m in a similar place as you with all this. I had my MRI yesterday and then I’ll be waiting for a further 2 tests (bone and brain scans) after that. I know that my lymph nodes are affected, I’m just praying and hoping that nothing has gone any further. Such a worry when I’m still trying to get my head around the whole diagnosis in the first place and the idea of chemo. I don’t have symptoms of spread but then that’s no guarantee. I’m trying hard to keep busy and focus on the consultant’s words “this is treatable” but it’s so difficult. Mornings are harder than evenings because the situation hits me all over again when I wake up.
Sorry I don’t have any real advice for you; just replying to say that you’re not alone with how you’re feeling.
Alison xx
Hey Daisy
Perfectly natural to be worried, I really don’t blame you! If it helps at all, I had my third BC diagnosis a few months back. Each time there’s been a round of extra scans just checking for anything else, and they’ve all been clear each time. Even had the consultant apologise to me in March and try to reassure me not to worry, whereas by this time I was actually glad of them all just to put my mind at rest that nothing would be missed!
Fingers crossed for you xx