I have also found this website quite helpful it’s an american company but lists all the chemical nasties and why they are not good for you ( terressentials), it might take a bit of searching but the list is on there somewhere, sorry can’t remember where. Also Janey Lee Grace who is on various programmes has a list of natural products she advocates.
I have been making the change slowly to natural products over the last six months, have swithched many things but it’s still an ongoing progress. The one thing I have found that it’s very difficult to buy anything in the shops that has all the chemical nasties removed so I have resorted to the internet. I like mother earth and akatumi als another website is pureskin, I have also made the switch to a crystal deodrant and find this works really well. Warbled enough, time for another cup of tea.
I have started using Bionsen deodorant, which is paraben and aluminium free. It is available from Boots and some supermarkets. I always used to use a lot of talculm powder after my shower and have stopped doing so. I do miss it though. Does anyone know of an alternative?
I’ve been using Liz Earle’s cleanse and polish, her moisturizer is good as well, her products are suppose to be made from natural ingredients, although I must admit I’m not that fussy whether they are or not, maybe I should be.
For anyone who has gone to the “Look Good Feel Better” days… most of the freebie cosmetics you got contain parabens…On the one I went on, no-one else had even heard of them and I didn’t want to spoil their enjoyment of the afternoon.
Yeah, same over here in ireland at the “look good, feel better” days but I didn’t want to spoil everyone’s enjoyment either and also to appear ungrateful. I have to say it was great fun chatting to the other ladies.
I also have recently become concerned about parabens and found a great site to have producrs which eleiminats these products earlier on this thread. I have also just e-mailed Look Good Feel Better to say about concerns of these ingredients. I said I do think it is wonderful companies participate and donate products but if there was something they could do? watch this space.