Natural products

Hi All

I might be “closing the stable door after the horse…etc”, in avoiding parabens and aluminium but I am investigating the best natural products to use for skincare and deodorants.

One which I have found is glycerin, which when mixed with water is an amazing moisturiser for face and body.

Does anyone know anything about it? All I can get from the internet is that it’s a natural by product of the soap making process but can’t find out what it actually contains and if it is natural and safe.

Any other recommendations for natural make up, deodorants etc?

Cecelia. x

I remember an old lady when I was young that used nothing else but Rosewater and Glycerin on her skin and she had the most beautiful complexion. Check the web there are many products for this from varous manufacturers, so maybe you can info from there.

Norma x

Great! As long as it’s safe I’ll definitely check it out.


Cecelia. x

Hi Cecelia

I use a natural crystal deodorant called pitrock. It really works for me even with all the hot flushes. I used to live in Manila in the Philippines, many of the Filipino people used these natural crystals. They work well, and all natural.

Kim x

Hi Cecelial

I am wanting to do the same as I spotted titanium and aluminum amongst other stuff in my foundation. I only became aware of this recently and this may not be the best stuff for the skin!

When I have found any thing I will let you know.


Thanks Kim, I saw this product on a TV programme last night and intend to try it

Glycerin sounds like a good bet for moisturising so that’s a start. It’s the make up now I’m worried about, as you say Carol, foundation etc. has all kinds in it. I’m sure there must be alternatives everywhere. I have noticed as a moisturiser also that Aloe Vera lotion from Holland and Barrett has no parabens or titanium and it’s pretty nice to use.

I’ll keep posting if I find any other good natural items.

Cecelia. x

Just a thought but would the Body Shops products and make up be ok to use and free from nasties?


Just checked this site, I think it’s a US Site but may have some useful info.

It’s all about ingredient in cosmetics which are harmful, but as I always say we shouldn’t take anything as gospel but it might give some good indications.

Norma x

Thanks Girls
I’ll invest in the safe ‘make me look good’ products, the price of vanity,
I used to just wash and go until I lost my hair and had the session with Looking Good Feeling Great (Or was that the other ways round).



I have a Body Shop face powder which only lists the ingredients in French and Spanish but one of them say dioxyde de titane, so that’s possibly titanium.

I’ll pop into one of their shops and ask if they have any info

thanks, keep posting, need all the ideas I can get!

Cecelia. x

Hi Ladies

if you go to the website channel 4 and look up health you will find a list of items that are natural in conjunction with last nights program how toxic are you, here is the link .


Does anyone know what to look for if avoiding parabens, e.g. if im looking at the ingredients of a products, is there a scientific name that should be avoided?



Hi Cecelia and the other ladies,

I have been using natural products for a few years now. It’s unbelievable how much chemical laden products are available these days and i think that the best place to shop for beauty products are healthfood shops and even then you have to be careful. Just get use to reading the ingredients all the time.

In my experience, I have found that despite their reputation the body shop products do contain quite a few chemicals. I have found that unless it is stated on the packaging that the product is sodium laureth sulphate free, paraben free, etc etc then they are most likely to contain chemicals. Even the words natural, hypo-allergenic, organic on packaging can be misleading, so watch out for that.

Ingredients to avoid include propylene glycol, Sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium lareth sulphate, butyl acetate, Coal tar, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Ethyl acetate, Formaldehyde, Oxybenzone, Petrolatum, Talc, Toluene, Aluminium, and Flouride in toothpaste.

I use a crystal deodoarant. Although since my mastectomy, i haven’t sweated from the armpit on the mastectomy side and it’s nearly six month now since surgery. I bath in seaweed sometimes which makes your skin feel so soft. I get it from a local harvester here in ireland. Be warned though, it’s smells a bit.

Nadur Organics, Dr. Hauschka, Lavera, and Elave are good, as well as Burt’s bees and o yeah, Ecover for your household cleaning products.

There is so much info on the internet about this. Try any of the brands I have mentioned above websites for info for starters anyway.

If anyone has any tips to forward to me on good products to try or websites. I’d love that! Thanks.

All the best,

Thank you Teacup, thats a lot of useful information

Hi Tracey, if you copy the link below it will take you to the channel 4 web site and explain and give you the parabens guide it also tells you the ones I think that have been found in breast cancer tumours…

best regards

Thanks Pam. I’m off to have a look at that now.

Hi All

After watchin last nights programme re: toxic make up etc. I keyed in on googel and and found if you key in http://www/ you will come up with a site that is fantastic to sort out the nasties. You can advance search and key in any nasties you wish to have omitted from any products and it will give you a list of what is left. Only found a couple of hours ago but looks great. Keyed in omitting parabens. triclosan other etc and came up with quite a few products. You can also narrow down to if looking for i.e. cleansers, deodorants etc. Hope this helps.

Love and hugs to you all,


O wow Julie, That is a really good website! Thanks!

Try Green People

Their website has an A-Z glossary of cosmetic ingredients, explaining what they are, what they’re used for and which ones Green people does not use in its products and why

I’ve found Dr. Hauschka products excellent but expensive.

Products from the Body Shop are not necessarily free of parabens. Nor regrettably are Liz Earle products, which are otherwise gorgeous.

Hi Teacup

So glad you found the skindeep website, it is brill isn’t it, can almost tailor make your lotions and potions! As said though only just found and have as yet to try, some of products prob might not smell too good etc but will still be worth it to know what is in it.

Hi Louise2

Will also look at the site you suggest as well, so thank you.

Take care all,

Lots of love and hugs
