Natural skin care

Natural skin care

Natural skin care Hi

I was wondering if anyone had changed their skin care products to a natural alternative, and if so what do you use and does it work.

I would like to start using 100% natural skincare products but there are so many listed on the internet it’s difficult to know where to start. I am heading off on a bit of a green trend and would just like to elimanate as many chemicals from my daily living as possible. Has anyone else gone down this track or am I losing my marbles.



Hi Rizzo

I tto started to look for more natural cosmetics. Its a mine field. I started using the Body Shopand Dermalogica only to find that they also had parabens in them. After speaking to Dermalogica they stress that the parabens used are in small quantities and are naturally occuring.

I have found that Wielida (?) is a good one, totally natural.


Hi Rizzo

There is a posting on this theme a little further back on this site. However, to give you a headstart (!)…Dr Hauschka, Ren and Balance Me are all paraben-free skin and hair care products. I can’t remember the websites but if you Google them you can buy them on-line. They are high-end beauty products. There are a lot of ‘natural’ products on the market but most contain parabens. Another company is the Organic Pharmacy - they do loads of great products.

As for losing your marbles…no! I’m no saint but I like to control what I put into and onto my body. Does it make any difference? Who knows…but I feel good!!!


Try for all sorts of lovely brands (including those mentioned by the previous poster), most if not all of which are natural. Or you could try Green People who use all organic ingredients. Haven’t got round to trying their goodies yet, so if you do and they’re any good, let us know!

Happy shopping!


Thankyou Hi

Thankyou for all your replies, I will google them and have a look at some of their products.

I got some free samples off Aubrey organics and wasn’t that impressed with their body cream as I have very dry skin, but they did send me a free booklet explaining all the natural ingredients and synthetic cosmetic ingredients to avoid which has been very useful.

Will post again if I try any new products to let you know what they are like.
