Nausea after surgery

Hi - I’m new to the forums and had surgery last Friday - WLE. I was fine for the first couple of days but then developed nausea that reached its peak yesterday. GP gave me some tablets which have helped but not got rid of it completely. This site says nausea can last a couple of days after the op - has anyone had my experience? When can I expect it so subside? Also, how careful do I need to be with my dressings? Can I have a bath for example? (I’ve been very gingerly washing around them up till now but would kill for a bath!)

Hi Scampernutt

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you receive valuable support and information from your fellow forum users. Please feel free to contact our confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000 for further support and information . The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care

I too had surgery last week (Thusday). WLE and SNB with blue dye. Like you, I was really sick and am just starting to feel better now. It is rotten. I informed the anaesthetist before my op that anaesthetic made me sick but he just fobbed me off with a wave of his hand!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh. I called my BC nurse re bathing etc.,
She adivsed I could have a bath but to only have water to waist level and to ensure that the wounds did not get wet… The dressings I have are waterproof so I can gently wash over them, I was also advised to used unperfumed soap. I bet you are just like me, I cannot wait to have a lovely shower with my smellies.

Hope this helps and you are feeling better.

Dyzee. X

Thanks Dyzee.

Turns out my situation was further compounded by the tablets my GP decided to put me on for my diabetes the day before my surgery. Apparently they are notorious for causing nausea and people are usually started off on one a day but he slammed me straight in there with 3 a day! I’ve now come off them and am feeling much better though pretty angry with my GP!

I’ve now had my dressings removed although because they weren’t waterproof they had all but come off themselves. Really enjoyed the first bath!

Hope everything is going well with you.
