I had my first chemo (FEC-T) Wednesday so today is day 6. Today I’ve eaten what I like (bread and crisps) because trying to be balance with healthy is hard as I don’t want to eat anything most of the time so I’m thinking anything is better than nothing.
Yesterday I only managed 3 biscuits as in the evening I was heaving looking at anything at all and the day before I was eating normal (but dry) in the am and nothing in the pm.
Is this normal? I’m hoping I’m over the worst of the sick feeling but any tips welcome.
I didn’t anticipate feeling nauseous/no appetite lasting this long
Anything is normal with chemo, I’m afraid. We all respond differently. I only had the EC part of your treatment, 3 sessions, every three weeks. I was like a zombie. I was so tired I could barely get downstairs! I lost my sense of taste, everything tasted like soap or salt and textures were vile. However, it’s essential to keep up that eating. Small amounts (packet of crisp, a banana sandwich, a handful of nuts, a tiny meal like vegetable soup) every two hours should get you enough calories to maintain your weight (which your chemo dosage is calculated on). You should also consider fortified drinks and desserts which your GP can prescribe if loss of appetite persists. I lost so much weight - I only started at 7-10 - that the rheumatologist I was referred to said the chemo had so little body mass to attack that it attacked my tendons, and the damage is irreversible. Change to sore hands, swollen ankles and wobbly knees three years on.
You may find you settle into a routine and can predict your worst days. I’d advise you to take the anti-nausea medicine they have given you even when you don’t feel nauseous. Use it in a preventative way and generally it works better. Watch out too for constipation - again, it’s better to use whatever you are prescribed in a preventative way. But also be prepared for diarrhoea - have loperamide at the ready and Buscopan for the cramps. Use sparingly if possible because you end up constipated again. You may resent taking all these meds but it’s time-limited and worth the trouble.
You may well find you feel ok the first few days after treatment because of the steroids in the mix so it’s quite normal to feel unwell in different ways for, say, Day 4 to about Day 10, after which things improve. By day 18 you’ll be feeling normal again and then the damn thing starts over and spoils that. You won’t get all the side effects listed and some will improve as your body adapts to the chemo but it’s a harsh treatment we have to endure to get results. The important thing is to listen to your body and do what it needs. if that means daytime naps, so be it. Don’t resist the fatigue. It always wins.
I’m sorry I’m not more encouraging but I can only go by my personal experience. Some women get by almost unscathed but you, it seems, are not going to be one of them. It’s sheer bad luck. Be kind to yourself, don’t expect too much of yourself till you are used to it, and remember it’s all ‘normal’ and time-limited. It won’t be long till you hit the halfway mark.
I wish you all the best; even when you feel crap, it’s ok xx
PS. I remember Riccola sugar-free lemon-flavoured sweets from the chemist. They DID hit the mark if I had no ulcers.
Sorry to hear you’re struggling so much with nausea. Were you given any meds to take to try and help? If not, can you call and see if they can prescribe you anything?
I had some anti nausea meds and some steroids and they’ve worked quite well.
Thank you both so much!
I have anti sickness stuff but it advises only for 6 days so I haven’t taken any today and so far so good (ish).
I had a really rough first night and was sick a lot but the 24hr advice line was good and told me to take meds earlier than planned but since then I have had little to no appetite.
today I have eaten more normally but it’s only because I’m making myself try anything that doesn’t turn me which isn’t a lot (Just ate a crumpet and I’m thrilled )
Talking of textures, I’m over whelmed by noises and smells. Staying with my mother and I’ve already had her bin flowers, avoid all hot foods and I can only listen to her if the tv is off. Sensory over load which is something I’ve never suffered with.
thank you for your advice! I’ll keep an eye and call the advice line if needed x