
Hi Everyone
Have been suffering with breathlessness recently and been very tired. Had more bad news that eribulim had had some success but was now not working as well for me. Am starting navelbine treatment today as chest / lung tumours still growing! Feeling very depressed and scared. This will be my fourth chemo. Everything goes well for first 3 cycles then falls apart. I’m so frightened they are going to run out of treatments. Being tnbc I know there isn’t much out there for them to use. Will have to take steroids too. Everyday seems to get harder but people keep telling me I look so well and yet inside I feel as though I’m falling apart. I’m so sad and can’t stop crying. My husband is fantastic and I’m am so proud of my boys they are being so brave. Has anyone got any tips on how to manage side effects of this chemo?
You are all so helpful and keep me sane. Reading your messages gives me hope and the determination to keep strong and positive even on my darkest days.

Bubbles, I don’t have any experience of this chemo but have bumped a thread for you which has several ladies who do xx