Going to start this later this week. Had 2 stable years on capecitabine and previously had dice taxol and ec. Secondaries in liver and bones. My blood levels became affected by the Cape with low haemoglobin and platelet counts so had 3 months off chemo and a blood transfusion. Now my liver biochemistry results are climbing and onc wants me to start on new chemo asap to try and get things stable again. Had bone marrow biopsy which shows a little infiltration into bone marrow but still some healthy cells. Been on a roller coaster for months as things have gradually been found out. Good news at present is not being in pain from bone mets. Have had some right leg pain but not every day and paracetamol and ibuprofen relieve it. Anyone offer me any positive thoughts or comments. The new drug I can have in tablet form but maybe a reduced dose to start to see how my body and blood results are affected. Bit of a minefield here I think.
Hi Daisy
I am sorry you haven’t had replies as yet, whilst you await these our helpliners are on hand with support for you on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2 so please feel free to call to,talk any concerns over
Take care
Lucy BCC
Good Luck with the chemo daisy. A friend has been on tablets, Vinorelbine, for many years. X
I’ve just had my fourth dose of vinorelbine. Very limited side effects and I haven’t lost any hair at all. It’s interesting that some people have been on this for a while, I didn’t think it was a long term chemo