Nearly 2 years after mastectomy

I had a mastectomy in July 2017 and am coming up to my 2nd annual mammogram and can feel my panic rising and I don’t know why. I am more worried this year than I was last year. I’m trying to cope as normal in front of the kids and my family but in my head I am convinced they will find something. Is it normal to feel like this? I don’t have any symptoms like I had when I was originally diagnosed. Thanks for any advice x

Hello Ali, 

If you do a quick site search,  you will find that “scanxiety” as it has been termed, is quite normal so I hope that gives you a little reassurance. 


If it’s of any help,  I try and look at these checks positively whichever way.  They can reassure by  giving an indication that all is chugging on fine for now or they can give us an early alert to potential problems and the earlier we are alerted then the earlier we can get on with dealing with them.  I also feel better about a system where checks are offered and available than a system with no checks.   As silly as it sounds,  I get more uptight about doing my self checks sometimes but this may be because that is how I found the initial cancer. 


I had my mastectomy a month before you.  I had my first post surgery check and mammo in Jan 2018.  My second check in Sept 2018  as I had area of concern about the mastectomy side.  I also had ultrasound and a fine needle aspiration at the time as well.  I am assuming my third check will be in Sept this year.   So my checks and mammos are a bit out of sorts but really glad we have the services and facilities in place to check and respond.  


Have you got a date through?  You could always ring and check with the hospital if waiting for a date to come through is causing you extra tension.   I wish you all the very best with your mammo/check.  I hope it is a place that can give you the result the same day as attending. 

Best wishes, 

Chick ? x

Hi ali46 - great advice from Chick and a hug from me too. I had my mx in May 2017 and dread all of my follow up appointments so I know exactly where you are coming from. It’s very normal to feel as you do. Can you try to distract yourself with other tasks/fun stuff to keep your mind from going into overdrive? Or set aside a specific time in the day to worry? It is of course easier to suggest these things than for me to do them myself!!

All the very best to you, Evie xx