Nearly a year!!!

Hi it’s almost a year since my WLE and lymph node removal on November 8th 2017 I also had 15 rads in February this year. I just wondered when I would receive an appointment for my mammogram check up. Do they send you one out with plenty of notice? I have a holiday already booked during the 2nd week of November so i am concerned they will send me for it then. Can you just alter the date to suit? Thanks for any help with this.??

When I had BC the first time I had 6 monthly mammograms for first 2 years, then annually for next 5 then every other year. If you’ve not received anything yet I’d chase them up. You should , when you get the appointment, get enough notice to cgange the date if you need to. I’ve moved mine plenty of times because of clashes with other stuff.



At my hospital their policy is 18 months after the op so I had my first one in April this year and then annually after that for 4 years.  I did ring up the breast unit in March as I was concerned that I had not heard anything and was advised they generally send the letter out 4 weeks before the date. 


You could always give them a call and ask them if they have got a date for you, just in case you have slipped through the net.


I had mine two weeks before my first annual apt so he gave me my results then.


H xxx

Hi alibob. My oncologist told me that I am in the annual screening programme and my first mammogram would be 12 month from last day of active treatment. Open it helps but give them a call to check

Thanks for your replies!! I rang the unit and after being passed from pillar to post finally spoke to a secretary who at first attempt said j wasn’t on the system!!! She then proceeded to put me through to someone else without telling her what in was calling about so I had to go through the whole story again. Anyway upshot was she found my details and said they will send me letter nearer the time. Told her the dates I wouldn’t be available so she’s noted them. Just await the letter now!!!??