
That’s great news and gives hope to those of us less far down the road who’ve had a few treatments fail that there might be something else out there that works if we can hang on long enough to find it.

i never gave up ! every time i was fobbed off i asked for another scan etc !! think they dreaded me coming in lol! but if its got me this far please just know your own body and ask for another oppinion . there are loads of new treatments being trialed so you never know which one may work for you ,thanks for the fundraisers im still here .

soooooo pleased for u fantastic news have a totaly great christmas n fantastic new year you def deserve to all the best for the future hope u stay clear of this horrid disiese for many years to cum x
sue x

Brilliant news Aroma! Your hip replacement will be a doddle compared to what you have been through already.
kay x

Great news and hope all is well. Have a wonderful Christmas to each and everyone of us.
Seasons Greetings
love jacky xxxx

such wonderful news, gives me hope for a friend struggling with secondaries.
Have a terrific Christmas and the best New Year ever xxx

CONGRATULATIONS Aroma WHAT FANTASTIC NEWS it gives hope to all us with secondaries trying to battle the regime of medication
hoe your hip op goes well and you have a lovey xmas and new year
if you feel upto it at some point could you say what type of cancer er+ her2neg etc.and what chemo you had
only my cancer did not respond to chemo i was allergic to capcitebine and arimidex did not work either so on tomoxifen at the min while they come up with something else

Great to find a post in this section!
Wonderful news that all the treatment has been worth it.