
hey guys just want to share my good news with you ,after 6 yrs and despits having spread to lymphnodes and liver spots have been to clinic today AND BEEN DISCHARGED N,E,D!!! cant believe it after going through absolute hell in the last few years im now cancer free ,so thankful for all the treatment ive been given without which i could have been a differant story as was given 6/9 months at the beginning ! x

HURRAH! Congratulations! Long may it be so. Go celebrate big time. :smiley:

still cant beleive it ,feel a bit weepy dont know why ,think its such a releif aftera rotten few years ,so wish my sister was still here to celebrat with me but sadly she lost her fight 3 yrs ago ,but im so grateful to be here .

Fantastic aroma, you must feel such relief. What a wonderful early Christmas present.

Best of luck for a long, healthy and happy future.

Hi Aroma,
I have tears in my eyes as I read this…what fantastic news!!! I join the others in wishing you a fantastic Christmas a wonderful, happy future and a BIG celebration!!

Uplifting news - its nice to hear there’s hope for us all.

Hi Aroma,
Congratulations on your good news

Enjoy your celebration!

Thats just the sort of news we love on here, so pleased for you, you go girl … Go and enjoy the land of NED , im smiling reading your post just so pleased for you x

Now that’s put a smile on my face! Congratulations!

Much much love and congratulations! especially after reading your dx at the end of your post xx

Wow what wonderful and inspiring news. So pleased for you.
lots of hugs
Suzanne x

oh yes i fully intend to but first im having a hip replacement on the 18th then a nice restful christmas ,its the first for my new greatgrandaughter so lots to celebrate this year .xthanks for all the goodwishes .i wish you all health as well .x

Is it possible to give us a brief outline of your journey since diagnosis please?

Fantastic news,have a wonderful Christmas,
Love Di.x

Wow, Aroma, what fab news :slight_smile:
Wishing you and your family all the best and have the best Christmas ever. Thank you for posting and keeping the stable/NED secondaries flag waving.
Nicky x

well its a long story but here i go ,my left breast was really sore so in 2005 i went to the gp who said it was probably hormonal ,1 then as it wasnt getting better and was dimpled and ached all the time i was reffered to hospital in the dec ,i had needle aspiration and mamogram but was told that as the fluid was clear it wasnt anything to worry about ,by this time i was really upset and just knew they were wrong ,i insisted on being seen a few weeks later where they did a core biopsy which revealed lobular carcinoma in situ ,i was started on a course of chemo to try shrink the tumour ,this made me so ill i was admitted to hospital a few times ,i had ulcers in my mouth and couldnt stand up .the anti sickness drugs ddint work for me .i must admit it was a really hard time ,i had my mastectomy and was told after that out of the 16 lymphnodes remeoved they found cancer in 12 of them and after a scan i had spots on my liver ,the outcome wasnt good so i again had further chemo which made me rock in pain the bones were so sore i couldnt bear to be touched ! my skin came off my hands and feet i also lost my nails on my hands and feet too .so a total mess this was coping with loosing my long hair too ,which as you know is an awful thing to cope with as the wigs arnt too nice ,i wore loads of beautiful bandanas at that time .ive had various tests on susupicious lumps and bumps recently had a full bone scan ,i have osteoporosis partly from the arimadex and not being given a bone strenghtener which is vital as this puts you into menopause which affects your bones .there have been a number of things misdiognosed for me but thankfully after my latest scan i was told that im ned and after 6 yrs of treatments am now discharged from clinic unless i feel anything else is wrong ,im having a total hip replacement on the 18th of dec but hopefully i can now start to look to the future with my family .so there is hope after diognosis ,6/9 months ! and now 6 yrs later proves it .

Wow, that is amazing! Thanks Aroma, it is an inspiring story and just shows what can be achieved. Long may you stay NED X
Suzanne x

That’s absolutely wonderful news! Thank you so much for telling us. It gives us all hope.

I hope the hip replacement goes well. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

Love the photo, btw!

Ann xxx

fantastic…congrats…long may it continue…

Great news!!