Need advice from women who have had reconstruction

I went to see my surgeon today about reconstructive surgery. I have had a mastectomy on my left breast.
The options were to have fat, muscle and skin taken from back and put in breast and give me a breast lift on other side. Implants in both but with still skin removed from back or have my breast tissue removed from right breast and have implants and no feeling in right breast.

Im so confused! When I first saw him he thought I didnt have enough fat on me to use so I had it on my head to have implants. Now I have more options I am just not sure. I know its down to personal choice at the end of the day but I wanted to hear from women to see which they went for, why and are they pleased with their reconstruction.

I am 30 so still very young and am very bothered about them looking as good as possible. I used to be a 36C but have gone down to a B since having the mastectomy. I guess I would like to be a C again.

I would love to hear your stories!


Hi Em, I had reconstruction with LD Flap way back in 1989. I did not have a choice at the time really. My tumour was large, 5.5cm and they needed the skin from my back. I also had an implant put in below the muscle. I have been extremely happy with the outcome. I was 39 at the time a quite slim. If you were nearby I would happily show you the outcome. Before I went ahead my BCN put me in touch with a lady who had undergone the smae op a few years before me. The photos i was shown in a book scared me but seeing this lady gave me the confidence to go ahead and I thank her for that. Perhaps your BCNurse could put you in touch with someone near you. (I live in Edinburgh if you are near me). I am still happy now with the outcome and it is 21 years since my op. If there is anything else you want to ask please do.

Thanks. I live in Leicester so quite far. I think seeing the different types in the flesh would help so much!

Not keen on the whopping great scare on the back too. Read someone had it taken from their bottom. Wish they could take it from my hips as thats where any fat does go!

Maybe I will ask.

Hi Em

I have an appointment with surgeons on Monday to discuss the same type of reconstruction as you, so interested to hear your replies too

Good luck!

She xx

P.S. And meant to meantion I am meeting Val (Scottishlass) and a few others from this forum in Edinburgh tomorrow, so I might be asking her for a peek!!

Hi Emelf
I had bi-lateral mx and implants in Dec and am really happy with them so far. I was a 32/34 FF before and will now be a D, which is great for me. The implants are expandable so can be increased or decreased to get the right size.
You can have fat taken from the buttock or thigh - I’m sure someone will be able to tell you about that.
It’s obviously different being able to have immediate skin sparing recon.
Good luck with your decision making. I recommend the book:
Breast Reconstruction: Your Choice (Class Health) by Dick Rainsbury and Ginny Straker
River x

Hi Em, I was a bit worried about the scar on my back too before surgery. However the scar has faded over the years and is in the same place as my bra line. It is a shame to “spoil” your back but I am happy with the great care that my surgeons took. I had one set of surgeons working on my front while another set worked on my back. It was fairly early days of this type of surgery. There was another type of surgery on the go at the time which put in a different implant, and saline was pumped into it over a course of several weeks but that op was different to mine. I healed very quickly. I had 4 drains in and got home later that week.
Hi She, Yes you can certainbly have a peak…just better watch out if we are caught peeping in the “ladies”…could cause a few strange looks but I am happy to help. I’d better put on a decent bra though. Glad you will be joining us tomorrow.

Shenagh,you can have a peek at mine too!

I am also happy with my LD recon ,done in July 2008.I can wear anything really.I need a bra but thats only so my 2 boobs look the same!

Good Luck,

Hi Em

You may have already seen our factsheet on the subject of reconstruction, but just in case you haven’t, here is the link:

You will hopefully find it an interesting and informative read.

It can be either downloaded or ordered from the site.

Kind regards



I had a bilateral LD back flap recon with implants in November and am already delighted with the result. One side was skin sparing and I only have a small scar under my arm and across the breast. On the other side they took skin and tissue from my back but the scar is already fading and really doesn’t bother me at all (it is hidden by a bra or bikini). - However I don’t need to wear a bra as the muscles give me ‘lift’!

I think you have to be prepared for the fact that it will be many months before you feel fully back to normal - I can already do most things I could before but still have some discomfort and tightness which is slowly getting better. I am already pleased with the size and shape of my new breasts (which are still being expanded!)

I also found it very helpful to meet someone who had had this done before I decided to go ahead. She looked absolutely amazing and had no regrets. She also told me to give it at least 6 months to feel better and to decide if I liked what I looked like.

Good Luck

I am very interested in all your posts. I have an appt with the plastic surgeon nxt friday to discuss reconstruction. I had a mx and axillary clearance 3 yrs ago and have now plucked up the courage to have reconstruction dont know yet what surgeon will recommend but have read up on various ways but will take their advice.
Love to hear all the posts helps when making up my mind.
Love to all

Hi I had LD flap (immediate reconstruction) skin and nipple sparing with implants nearly 3 months ago.

I’m very happy with the result. I was a 34A prior to surgery and I’m now a 32D (a little present to myself!).

The cosmetic result is fab.

I have no stiffness or discomfit and have full movement back. The scaring is healing well although the scar across the back was the biggest shock to me and I’m still getting used to it. It is however hid by your bra strap but I find that this can sometimes irratate the scar making me itch like hell. On the other hand due to my new found pertness I don’t really need to wear a bra.

I now have most of the feeling in my back but still little sensation in the breasts but I feel that I am slowly getting more.

My surgery was carried out by an oncoplastic surgeon, I had 8 drains in (4 front, 4 back) and stayed in hospital for about 10 days. Following my discharge from hospital I had fluid drained from my back 3 times.

Hope this helps.

(FYI I’m 34 and slim build so my options were limited)

Hi Em,

Are you having your recon at LRI? I am due to have an LD flap there on 24 Feb, my surgeon is Graham Offer.

Hi roadrunner, Well even tho im in leic i was living down south when i found out so my surgeon is in east grinstead. I wanted to stick with him as he had already done such a great job on my temporary recon.

The women who have had implants, are they silicone and how do you expand them.

I am veering towards the idea of implants but can not decide whether to have have the breast tissue taken out from the right breast and lose my feeling.

I really dont know how im going to come to decision.

I’ve PM’d you, Em.

River x

Dear Emily

Best of luck with this. I’ve sent you a longer private message.
