need advice please!!

i found a lump yesterday morning and went straight to the doctors yesterday afternoon, she examined my breasts and said she can feel a firm lump but it could be a cyst, as its highly unlikely its breast cancer cause of my age (22) but i know its possible women of my age can get breast cancer. i woke up with a massive purple/black bruise on my breast its on the lump and i dont know where the bruise has came from? its right beside my nipple, im now freaking out googling a lot and i know thats the worst thing to do but i have 3 children and im so terrified of the outcome! any advice at all ladies? thanks in advance

Hi Mummy-maria, 

I know waiting for results can be a very anxious time, and I am sure some of users will be along soon to offer their full support and advice.

If you need to talk you can always call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who can talk to you about what you are experiencing and offer some friendly advice.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant