Need help on lymphovascular invasion please


Hoping for some guidance I’m newly diagnosed and had lumpectomy then WLE and SNB … results due this Monday. However I do know I have Lymphovascular invasion. Led to believe by BC nurse that even if my nodes come back negative that chemo may be necessary. Originally thought it would be rads and hormone treatment
Has anyone had experience with this???
Ive researched LVI and concluded that there is devided opinion around risk category and subsequent prognosis re outcome
ER and PR receptor both 8 and I’m HER negative And I’m grade 2 invasive and intermediate grade DCIS

Any help much appreciated
Christine xx


Firstly, welcome to the discussion forums, I’m sure you will find the a great source of information and support.

Whilst you are waiting for others to reply, I thought I’d let you know about our Helpline. They can offer lots of information about treatments and direct you to other sources of help as well as being a listening ear if you feel you need to talk thiings through.

They’re open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 on 0808 800 6000.

Hope this is helpful.

Best wishes.

Louise, Facilitator

Cp if you have lymphovadcular invasion they offer you chemotherapy because it is given through the blood system
It is designed to knock out any fast growing cells eg cancer cells… ALL over the body. It sounds barbaric but it is very effective and increases survival times. The worst side effect is hair loss closely followed by extreem fatigue. You will be amazed at how quickly it is over. Do join a " having Chemo in Dec" forum. You will make friends with others going through the same side effects as you and that is a comfort.
Best wishes

Thanks Cackles
Ive joined the Dec forum which is helpful As is looking back a few months and appreciating where everyone else is with treatments etc.
For some reason LVI rarely mentioned not sure why?.. I don’t like looking at websites on google would much rather hear from real people which is why I value this site
Take care xx

Hi CP I was diagnosed in 2007 with grade 2 invasive and high grade DCIS. I also had lympho/vascular invasion and 1 node positive for cancer.Many women have lympho/vascular invasion it just means that tiny cancer cells have started to invade nearby tiny vessels, either blood or lymph or both.these vessels are so tiny that sometimes they can’t tell if it’s lymph or vascular. Chemo will hopefully mop up any stray cells, if there are any. I had Chemo, Rads and will be finishing Tamoxifen next May and touch wood as far as I know at the moment, i’m fine.
All the best Melxx

Thanks everyone
Really helpful and so happy your all doing well.
CP xx

I have grade 1 ER PR + lympho vascualr no node involvement but lympho vascular invasion having rads and hormone therapy no chemo.