I’m a 33 year old mother of 2 beautiful kids. In December my husband noticed a lump in my left breast, on the inner lower right side. I didn’t pay any attention to what he was saying!! Then in march while in the shower I felt the lump! I asked hubby if that is what he felt and he said YES! I was in denial for few weeks but then went to see my gp. She examined me and agreed there was a lump/ thickening plus another lump like a coin under left nipple. However she reassured me it was nothing to worry about as I am too young and don’t have any discharge or swollen lymph nodes.
A few days later I noticed that I had a huge bulge beside my left armpit which was tender. Went back to gp and who confirmed the swelling and arranged a urgent referral to breast clinic. Appointment came through after 5 weeks!! During this time the swelling has stayed the same still tender where I can feel a enlarged lymph node and I have started to get clear discharge from the nipple if I squeeze it, it only comes from one pore. Also have pain where lumps are. Another thing is that the lump is more obvious now as the thickness has gone and proper lump is there.
Anyway I went for my appointment Monday and was seen by a lovely female dr she checked me over and confirmed the lumps and armpit swelling plus she found more thickening on the breast. She was about to send me for a ultrasound and then biopsy if needed but wanted the consultant to check me over aswel. This is where I was shocked by the treatment I received… The consultant came in prodded my breasts and announced there was NOTHING!!! The swelling was fatty breast tissue that had grown!!(OVERNIGHT)!! and that I needed no more test and to go home! When the other dr asked if I needed a ultrasound he said NO and walked out!
After he had gone I asked the female dr that howcome she had felt the lumps plus my 2 gps I went to c and consultant felt nothing?? She had no answer just said he knows best and that I should get dressed and go home and if I notice any changes get back in touch…!!
Well I am fuming!! I have no solid answers as to what is there! Don’t know what to do! I know there are lumps and my breast is sore my armpit swelling is NOT FATTY BRWAST TISSUE!! if it was it wouldn’t hurt if pressed! Please someone tell me what to do! Has anyone else come across a consultant who didn’t give them the time of day??? I just don’t get it! If there was a ultrasound done I would have been relieved! But there was nothing!! Advice please!
Any advice would be appreciated!
Hello na80
Welcome to the forums, I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime, maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.
Best wishes
June, moderator
You could ask to be referred to a different consultant or hospital. possible contacting the hospital manager and telling him how you where treated. Initially I would go see your gp and tell them what has happened, they might be able to tell you what your further options are. I am sorry you where treated this way, as it is a worrying time for anyone but to be dismissed so rudely is not nice. Thankfully all the doctors I have seen at the BC clinic have been understanding. X
Thank you June. I have spoken to the helpline staff, and they were wonderful. They also suggested that I must go back to gp or another breast clinic so I’m making a appointment.
Thankyou lucylou1516! I will be going back and will be complaining! Don’t want anyone else to be treated that way!
Would really appreciate it if someone could shed some light on my symptoms and what they could mean… Thanx
All the best with getting it sorted.
Sorry na80 can’t shed any light on your symptoms but just want to urge you to be really pro-active and push and push until you get fully tested - mammogram, ultrasound, biopsies etc. It sounds as if you have enough symptoms for these to have been done as a matter of urgency but I have no medical knowledge at all. I am horrified at the long delay you had in getting to the BC clinic and of course the consultant’s attitude. You are going to have to be really strong and assertive from now on and make sure someone takes notice.
I feel as if I was really lucky with the quick responses to my symptoms so that diagnosis and treatment for me got underway as soon as possible despite the fact that it was not early stage BC and if I had found my lumps earlier (I am 55 and missed a routine mammogram test) it would have been much better.
Please be strong and assertive and demand to be tested properly urgently. Fingers crossed though it won’t turn out as bad as you no doubt fear. All power to you now!
Hi…I agree with GBC…go and get a second opinion if you are not happy with your treatment…how would this consultant feel if it was his wife or mother or sister…this is your body…your health and your peace of mind…when I found my lump I was lucky enough to have a good consultant but my BCN was quite dismissal of me and wanted me to wait weeks to see the consultant and to have an op…I wasn’t having any of that and took matters into my own hands…I was seen the next week and then had my op soon after…I sometimes feel that the medical people become desensitised…they see patients week in and week out…I know they have to keep impersonal but when finding a lump you go into shock and need a bit of TLC…on my journey I met some lovely people who helped and reassured me…and I met one or two who were not so nice…most breast lumps turn out to be nothing but in your case this man has looked and said it’s nothing…has he got X ray eyes…I think not…fight back…you may only be young but you deserve to have your fears taken seriously…best of luck…be assertive…don’t take this laying down!!!..
Thank you for ur replies GBC and applestreet. I really appreciate it! I have made a appointment to c my gp again next week, so hopefully will get some answers!
I just really wish the consultant was more helpful. He made me feel as if I was wasting his time! And I was quite taken aback by his total disregard of the other drs findings! But he obviously had the upperhand because the female dr completely backtracked and agreed with what he said!! She had no solid answers for me when I questioned her about what she had found earlier! She started telling me it was HORMONAL or CYCLIC!! I just want answers!
My symptoms deserve to be evaluated properly not just by PRODDING!!
My list of symptoms
- Thickness turning to palpable lump
- Swollen outer armpit with enlarged lymph node
- Tender breast lump and tender lymph node
- Clear liquid discharge from breast with lump
Does anyone else have these symptoms?
na80 - if the clear discharge happens only when you squeeze the nipple THAT WOULD HAPPEN ANYWAY IF YOU HAVE HAD CHILDREN. I scared myself stupid about that when I was first under investigation, (recall from routine mammogram - problem with Left side) because I could squeeze a discharge from BOTH nipples. So stop worrying about that! If the discharge is red, or is ‘leaking’ out all the time it’s more of a worry - but DON’T go squeezing - you’ll only make yourself sore!
The swollen lymph node means your body is fighting an infection - that’s what they’re for! It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s BC. My lump was totally undiscovered until my mammo. It didn’t hurt (until it was prodded and stabbed for the core biopsy) and I couldn’t feel it (ditto) so pain doesn’t necessarily mean you have BC either - there are far more non-BC conditions that are painful, so most inflamation and soreness is NOT BC, but you are entitled to know for sure. I’d get a second opinion, possibly from a different hospital if the rude consultant is the ‘big cheese’ at your previous place, or press to find out WHY that consultant is so sure it’s nothing. Has your hospital got a PALS service? - they are brilliant for helping you to follow up complaints.
I hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction and that it turns out to be nothing sinister - it’s clearly NOT “nothing”. You do need to find out what’s going on, even if it isn’t BC. Good Luck! x
It took me almost a year after first visiting the doctor to get my biopsy done. I was 31, and it WAS cancer. However, the swollen lymph node I had was just me fighting off an infection. That was 22 years ago, and I am surprised to read that some younger patients still aren’t taken seriously.
And ditto regarding the PALS experience. They are worth talking to. Even though you may not feel they are doing very much, they will know who to speak to and this should ensure the same mistakes don’t keep on being made.
Glad to hear you are chasing this up, and I hope they are able to test you and, with luck, give you some reassurance. X
I see that you have received plenty of good advice so far! I just wanted to chime in and tell you also to take control and schedule yourself elsewhere. My GP is so busy that its hard to get an appointment even months in advance, so I am sidestepping the process and scheduling my own mammogram. I have had a recurring cyst in the left breast for several years. They were going to drain it before and opted to treat with medications instead ( I had serious issues with the idea of a needle going into such a tender area at the time). Since then it comes and goes, but this time I’ve been met with a lot of pain and bloody drainage. The pain goes from the armpit deep into the breast. Its a pain different than anything I’ve felt before and not the typical soreness that I often get pre-period.
I’m no medical expert and I am in no position to say whether or not either of us has cause to worry. I can only urge you to take the reigns as I am doing, and get the answers you need either way. I do wish you the best and I will say prayers for you and your family.
well i cant believe it!!!shocking way you have been treated…if you dont mind me asking where abouts are you? glad to hear you are pursuing this… goodluck hun x
Thank u for ur replies JCJ, SDFMEG, MJ088 and EMZ76!! Really appreciate it. I will keep my post updated! @Emz76 im in Aberdeen. I’m sure the other drs and consultants will be nice! Fingers crossed all is well! Xx
P.S will be contacting PASS( PALS in Scotland)! Don’t want anyone else to be treated like I was! Xx
na80 - glad to hear you’re contacting PASS. I hope they help you get something sorted. Good Luck and keep us informed! (it’s hard to type with everything crossed! :p)
Thanks JCJ!! @ SDFMEG wat were ur symptoms wen u wer 31? Wer u referred to a specialist/ consultant aswel? Did they do all ur tests first time? Sorry to keep pestering! Just wanting some answers! I’m seeing my gp on Monday afternoon, so will let u all know wat happens! Xx
Good luck did you contact PALS? I’m going to do the same next week as my gp refered time as URGENT only to be told there’s an 8week waiting hospital breast clinic is busy!!!
@Emz76 8 weeks??!! That’s shocking! If ur doctor has refered u URGENTLY I think 8 weeks is ridiculous! U should definitely complain! I truly believe that the nhs is a joke sometimes! I hope u get seen quicker and it is good news!! But no matter what PUSH for a ultrasound! So u know for sure! I think our ages go against us when trying to get the right check ups done! Good luck babes will keep my fingers crossed for u and all the other ladies out there who r in the same boat! Xx
I can’t believe the rubbish treatment being described here! It’s apalling! If a GP suspects cancer, the national targets are 2 weeks to be seen by consultant. Remind them of that!!!
I’m glad you’re contacting PALS… write to the chief exec too… It might be worth contacting the Breast Care Nurse as well… can’t do TOO Much in these circumstances!
If (regarding 8 week wait) the BCN says the consultant’s gone off sick, along with half his staff, there’s probably not much anyone can do except shout until you jump the queue, but there’s everyone else waiting too… However, that’s a highly unlikelyl scenario…
Go for it girls, and keep us posted!