Ladies, I need your advice. I have been to see my GP to ask if he would fill in a DS1500 which he was happy to do, but said ‘If I fill in one of these I also fill in this’ which was a DNR form! I went along with it as I wanted the DS1500 but I’m really upset about it now. I’m happy to have DNR in the end stages but what happens if I have an accident tomorrow that stops my heart? Can I change it? x
Tink, Why on earth has your GP said that? Mine filled a DS1500 last week and nothing else. When I was asking for advice on the PIP thread about it no one mentioned DNR form, so I can’t see how your GP can be right. You must be able to challenge it and find out why he’s done it. I’d be really upset too so I think a revisit is needed to sort it out. Hopefully someone else with more experience than me will be along shortly to offer better words of wisdom.
Hugs LD x
Tink,I’m in total shock!!! How dare he do that to you. You DO NOT need to fill in a DNR form to get DS1500 form. I’ve never filled one in and don’t even want to think about that yet. Ring GP and say your not happy. Ring bcc to get some advice or macmillians so you have your facts.
Sending you huge hugs,get on that phone now. God I can’t believe your GP .
Massive hugs ,Helen xxxxxxx
I remember reading something about changes afoot re GP’s and their “palliative care” patients, plans about patient care plans being introduced and I think this may be connected Tinks. This is also to do with the Liverpool Pathway being stopped I think. I have never been asked about DNR but assume now I have added a chemo damaged heart to my list it’s highly unlikely I would ever be resuscitated. You should not feel under any pressure to sign a DNR to get the special rules so do get it retracted. I have been under special rules for ten years. Wonder if it might be worth calling the BCC helplines or are they more treatment focused? X
Oh the difficulties of applying for PIP/DLA under Special Rules.
I’m sure there’s NO link between DS1500 and any DNR directive - whatever your GP says, he/she needs to get wise to cancer patients’ perspective methinks. :(
There is a new(ish) process whereby GPs have a list of priority patients who, for example, might need emergency medical treatment / ambulance etc. My GP rang me a few months ago to mention this, I said OK, that is helpful!
There are also new procedures to make sure that, if someone is discharged from hospital, there will be adequate care/support on return home - my 95-year-old father had a call from his GP about this after a couple of weeks in hospital last year (he doesn’t have cancer).
And on the subject of the Liverpool Care Pathway. Yes there have been some horror stories… but my father-in-law was put on the LCP in 2012 after a brain haemorrhage.He was very well cared for (all our family thought so) during his last 24 hours, at a general hospital in Sussex.
Hope this may help some… esp.Tinkerbelle.
Cant believe doc said that! Unbelievable.
And helen…apparently that is MY bus.
Morning ladies. Tinks I think I would change GP if I were you!! My male GP is an absolute *************** not printable language I’m afraid. Living in a rural area only one GP practice is available to us (so much for us all supposed to have a choice) but luckily a new lady doctor started at the practice just when I found my first symptoms. She is lovely I really don’t know what would have happened otherwise. I still refuse to see my original GP.
I had no problem at all getting my PIP. All done on the phone and came through after just a couple of weeks. Now I am trying to sort out ESA what a nightmare. First I receive a letter saying we are not paying ESA as you have not paid enough national insurance (Ihave paid hundreds of pounds) and in the next sentence telling me I may need to attend a work capability assesssment to carry on getting payment! Yesterday another letter came asking for answers to questions I couldn’t answer over the phone in my original application. I asked the girl who took my details why I wasn’t getting ESA despite having paid masses of NI contributions for the relevant year. The answer" yeh you are getting it someone has made a mistake" no sorry arrrgh! Now about to write a letter to the manager who sent the original letter!