To help overcome extreme stress, I had reiki therapy for a couple of years. It was amazingly relaxing and did seem to help overcome the stress.
Hi everyone
I’m so grateful to all you ladies who have replied with such a variety of suggestions that have worked for you.
Supersue - Wow! You sound a real go-getter. Oblivion? No way! Runaway Train/Sky Mountain at Disney is my limit and even that’s pushing it! (lol). The sports car? Definitly.
Olivia - I’m googling yoga/meditation and would be interested to know if you did yoga in the privacy of your home and, if so, which CD’s/DVD’s you found useful.
Custard - Alot of replies have said I’m being hard on myself and I’ve not thought of it like that. I’m not depressed - just annoyed I can’t seem able to control the stress/anxiety thing.
Nadia - Like you, a councellor is not for me. It’s a shame your suggested website was edited - oh well - more googling then.
Phoebe - I’ve never tried reiki but it’s an interesting suggestion.
Thanks again to everyone who’s replied. It’s good to have people understand how you feel and offer support and not be patronizing. I wish I could PM anyone who’s interested in so doing but I haven’t mastered the technique yet.
Wishing eveyone well.