Need to have a grumble..... FATIGUE

Hi All
I am 6 years post chemo and rads and 1 1/2 years post tamox.
I still have fatigue, not slept at night all week. Have bad neuropathy and last march ended up in A and E for a psych assesment as just lost it. People think you are back to normal so fast and I’m still not it’s a totaly different me
still have lots of hospital appointments and been seeing a psych nurse , but that is ending and I am not ready to go it alone yet

Hi people,

I am 6 years from dx, 5 months since I finished Tamoxifen, 3 months after profylactic oophorectomy and starting Letrazole. I like to add that, since I started cancer treatment, I’ve experienced fatigue. I believe I have chronic fatigue which, by the way, seems to be a pretty normal side effect of all the treatment/s for bc. My opinion is that, there seems not to be much research on the issue of long time side effects of bc. Oncologist and other medical professionals don’t care much about it, creating a lack of awareness and encouraging a whole lot of unrealistic expectations after bc main treatment is finished.

hi all,
im almost 1 yr post surgery,came off tamoxifen 2 wks ago as i am having expanders out in 2 wks.I only work 24hrs a week now and get so very tired but cant sleep without a sleeping pill(i only take one once a week to try and catch up on some sleep).All this time i have considered myself weak because of feeling so down and lethargic,and i dont wish this feeling on anyone but its good to know it is actually quite normal.and i agree with everyone else about the lack of awareness,even my bcn said a couple of weeks ago that i shouldnt be looking so tired now,the fatigue should only last about 6mths!but how many of us say “im fine” when someone asks how we are when really i want to say,“well actually im exhausted and just doing a bit of housework actually tires me out”, ,maybe we or certainly i,should be more honest about how i feel.Hate this bloody disease,.