Hi everyone about summer last year when my son was sitting on my knee he’d pressed his head against my chest and I thought I felt something it was uncomfortable and I had to move his head, after checking it out I thought I felt a tiny lump and although was a bit worried I thought I’d just see if it went away. The discomfort I felt when my son put his head there happened quite frequently over the months but then I couldn’t really feel anything and thought I’d maybe imagined the lump. At Xmas I felt it again in the same place only this time it seems much bigger it’s hard to touch and doesn’t move much and feels quite deep like not on the surface of the skin. I was going to call the gp first thing in the morning to try make an appointment as I’ve been sitting here worrying about it all weekend I just feel that something isn’t right. I’m 37 years old, with 2 small children and now have got myself worried sick thinking I should’ve gone to gp last year. My mother was diagnosed with bc when she was 43 and sadly lost her battle when she was 47 not even sure why I’ve posted something so early but just needed to vent a little to anyone apart from family so I don’t worry them incase it’s nothing. X
Hello and welcome to the forum, this is a lovely safe place where you will find lots of help and support, and you can vent away
It is always a good idea to get any brast changes or lumps checked out so it would be a good idea to give your GP a call tomorrow and ask for an appointment explain that you have found a lump and you need to be seen asap, that hsould get you seen quickly so that you dont have to wait too long to see someone.
It is easy to say do not worry that there are a lot of benign breast conditions that it can be and it does not necessarily mean it will be bc, but try as much as you can to distract yourself and do not please google your symptoms as there is a lot of out of date and misinformation out there that will only add to your anxiety.
Let us know how you get on.
Sending you hugs
Helena xx
HI there Lis,
Did you manage to make an appointment ?
Look, you are obviously very breast aware and have been monitoring and have acted upon your feelings as soon as you are sure there is something that needs checking. Don’t be hard on yourself, at this stage, as you are all too aware, you don’t even know that this is something bc related. Let us know how you get on with the GP, but remember that even IF there is something that needs treating, treatments have moved oon hugely in the last decade.
Charys x
Hi Charys and Helena sorry for the late reply I called the gp surgery first thing yesterday morning and they said I could come in and wait to see the duty doctor, I showed him where the lump was and he felt it with me first standing up as that’s where I can find it really easy and then lying down on the couch where he also felt under my arm. He agreed with me that it felt hard and immobile and said in most cases it may be a fatty lump he used the word limping but he wanted to be certain so he’s referred me to the breast clinic for mammogram etc. He said I should have the appointment through in approximately 2 week so now I just have to wait. Thank you both for your replies I find myself now consumed with thinking about it although trying to keep myself busy it’s always on my mind so I hope the 2 weeks fly past. I’m sure it’s probably nothing but just wish I’d had it checked out last year when I first came across it. Never mind I’ve been now x thanks for allowing me to vent xx I hope you both are well x
Predictive text it was supposed to say limpoma not limping x
Thank you so much x
Hey ladies so I got my appointment through last Saturday for a mammogram it’s on the 30th March, it didn’t say anything about a breast clinic like the doctor said he would refer me to so just to put my mind at ease I called the doctors surgery to ask if it was just a mammogram he’d referred me for and she said that I’d also been referred to to breast clinic and my notes had said that the gp had asked for it to be quite soon now I’m all worried again after not really thinking about it for the last week or so. The 30th is the day I’m taking the kids away for a weeks haven holiday and my appt is at 13:50 so I have to drop the kids off at my dads house house go to the appointment pick them up again then head off on holiday and spend a week worrying about results and when the breast clinic appointment will be. Has anyone been referred for a mammogram and breast clinic separately ? XX
Thanks for your reply Jobey68 so I had my mammogram last Friday there was a white blob on one of the pictures of my left breast I could see it clear as anything. She said I’d get the results at the breast clinic and just to be prepared to be there for a few hours incase I need ultrasound and examinations etc so o left the hospital picked the kids up from my dads house and took them on holiday trying to enjoy it but all I can think about is what I saw and I don’t have a good feeling about it. We’re supposed to be here till Friday but all I want to do is go home early on Wednesday and see if the letter has come through for the appointment. I have my 2 year old son and my daughter 5 and her friend on my own up here and the girls are bickering all the time and my son seems to be more naughty than usual don’t know if it’s because I’m stressed with worrying but they’re driving me nuts lol x
Thanks Jo I will try stop worrying a bit, the last image was still on her screen when I was leaving the room and although it was away from the mammogram machine it’s was facing where we were standing chatting and I couldn’t help but notice it, she was very nice and said hopefully it wouldn’t be too long until I got my appointment through. I’m not usually a stresser guess I’m just getting myself worked up. Thank you your words are really reassuring I’ll try switch off till we get home xx
We came home yesterday and I rang the breast clinic today just to see if I could get an indication of when the appointment would be and the lady said that my mammogram hadn’t been looked at by the consultant so an appointment hadn’t yet been booked she said she’d book one for me and then if they need to see me sooner they’d send out an earlier appointment, first available appointment is 14th May so another 5 weeks away this is because the gp had marked it as non urgent so I’m hanging on to this is a good sign and they don’t call me back sooner. Kids are more settled at home as I’m less stressed here