Need your help: Enhancing intimacy

I have some questions for all of the women in this forum. I’m hoping you’re willing to share your experiences so I may better understand and in turn help others. I’m a nurse practitioner and specialize in sexual health. I’m working with female cancer survivors to help them develop a greater sense of intimacy with themselves and their partner. There are many challenges after cancer treatment. Women often find themselves feeling emotionally isolated and disconnected from their intimate partners. I’m trying to help by putting together information that may help with challenges encountered after cancer and its treatment. I’m asking for what you found to be helpful. What are the biggest challenges you face related to physical intimacy with your partner? I know common ones are pain with sex, vulvovaginal atrophy, joint pain and body image issues. How are you managing these challenges? What do you know now that you wish you would have known earlier? Were you given guidance on how to manage sexual side effects of treatment? What did you find that worked what was helpful for you? These are just a few of the questions I have. Please feel free to bring up any topic that affects your intimate relationship. Thank you!