Had a needle biopsy today - didn’t hurt when it went in, but went more and more tender as she fiddled around, hurt like hell when it came out and my breast is still tender an hour or to later. Just wanted to make sure this is normal!? She couldn’t get a very good sample and just hoping she got enough.
Also they said they would call me with the results - is that normal? Wouldn’t they usually make me come in and see them!? They are hopeful it’s nothing as the scan didn’t show anything too worrying, but still curious…
of all the tests I had the needle biopsy was the worse, hurt like hell. A mate of mine has had several of these and all hers have been cysts, and yes they hurt. Infact the part of mine that needed the needle biopsy was also nothing.
Hope yours comes back as nothing, doubt they would phone you if they were at all suspicios.
All the best and hope you never have to join this club.
hi vix I also had needle biopsy and was very sore for a while after it and they only got tissue so i had to go back the following week to have it done again and it was Hell to get it done so soon.Im glad they did because they did find cancer and if they had left it,it would have been a lot bigger before I was screened again.Hope you get on okay and results good.take care.Joyce
yes Biopsy was sore for me too i ached for days after and had a few bruises. As Glenna says hope you don’t have to join us at this exclusive club , where there are no joining fees, but boy you do meet some amazing women. good luck xxx
Hi yes mine was also uncomfortable but the bruise was dreadful,the same day they gave me an appointment to go back for the results.
I wish you all the luck in the world for good results.
Take care xx
4 years ago when I had a needle biopsy I got my results by letter.
Fingers crossed for the results.