neo tango trial

Hi all
I finished all treatment March this year, also neo tango. Wanted to let you all know that I had excellant results and feel great, life is as back to normal as its ever going to be. I wish you all a happy new year and the best of luck for 2008. Love Lisa

Hi All,

Alison, been thinking about you and hope you’ve not been feeling too bad, and had a good New Year! Keep going, not far now.

Maria, looks like we’ll be doing our last chemo session on the same day! I’ve not heard of anyone having chemo prior to surgery then having more after. Your onc doesn’t sound very helpful, do you have a BC nurse or a trials nurse you can talk to? As far as I know, you may have radiotherapy after surgery, and also if you are ER/PR+ (tumour responsive to hormone treatment) you may have on-going drugs, (like Arimidex for Alison) but don’t think these are like chemo, (??) or if you are HER2+ you should get Herceptin.

Lisa, thanks for that post, its great to hear from someone who’s been through it all! What good news that you had such good results, and that life has settled down. Long may it continue.

I was due chemo yesterday, but due to a low blood count, again, its been put back, so my last taxol will be on 9th. I was very down yesterday, but managed to collect myself today, but been feeling very tired. So I’m having another week of avoiding sneezy people! Praying this doesn’t affect my surgery date.
I saw my onc on Monday, he was very pleased with progress so far, but still hasn’t got my HER2 results. I’ve been told I’ll have 5 weeks of rads, which should start roughly 8 weeks after surgery, as I’ll be having an expander implant which will take a few weeks to inflate and for the area to recover. He said it should be fine for me to return to work before rads, as that won’t affect me, so will be talking to the guys at work soon. I won’t be having any more drugs, as I’m ER/PR negative, unless the test comes back HER2+ then I’ll be having Herceptin.

Take care all, and a happy healthy New Year to you all.


hi shannon

thats good that you dont know anyone on the trial that has had more chemo after op. this puts my mind at rest. how big was your tumour. do u know when u will be getting ur op. my trialist nurse has avoided me for the last few months. i felt once i agreed to take part in the trial she lost all interest in me. my breast care nurse is okay but not great. when i ask her any questions she just says i will need to wait and see what the outcome of op is. hope everything goes well for u with the op and rads and that we both manage to get our last chemo on the 9th. i am so looking forward to having hair again.


Happy New Year to all.
Shannon very sorry you could not have chemo because I know how much you want to finish. Its much better to wait though, just make sure you are taking good care of yourself as you are nearly there.

Maria lots of luck with your treatment. It looks as if we are all having rads. I have been told you just feel a bit tired after each session and thats it.

Shannon it must be a great feeling knowing that you will soon be back at work. I really miss working although I never thoght I would hear myself say it! Do hope yopu get the test results back soon. I am hormone receptive, so that why I think I have to take Arimadex.

Been feeling quite sick this time but it is beginning to pass now.

Best wishes


Hi Ladies,

Alison, hope you’re coping ok with the sickness feeling. I hated that so much, and pleased I didn’t have it so bad with the paclitaxel. I know what you mean about work, I’ve felt so cut off from my normal life because of it, and there’s been lots going on, so looking forward to it, although also very apprehensive. I will be asking if they can change my routine though, as I had to work away 3 days a week, and I don’t want to do that any more, its too much.

It seems that because my chemo was delayed, this will affect my surgery date. So I expect it will be early Feb now, so a little disappointed. They said they like to give it 4 weeks from last chemo to make sure you’ve recovered sufficiently.

Maria, my tumour was 5cm. The EC seemed very effective in reducing it, but I know everyone is different. Yes, it will be great to have hair again. I’m curious to see what mine will be like as many people find their hair grows back different! Think I’ll keep it in a short style, I’m used to washing my head in the shower and not worrying any further!

Its so frustrating that some oncs/BCN’s seen so reluctant to give people info - I think I’ve been lucky that all mine have been so helpful (apart from the 3 appts that my onc was away and my trials nurse was moved and replaced!) but I also think that reading this site and others has given me the right questions to ask, and I am a person who likes to know everything.

Take care all, have a good weekend.

Hi shannon and everyone else
I’ve jumped over to here as I’m on this trial too.
Shannon, I had my pre chemo today and managed to ask a few questions.
Firstly they won’t use my other arm!
I’m HER2 negative but ER positive so will need hormone treatment (need to do some research)
They haven’t got a grading yet as the sample taken wasn’t big enough apparently.
Whether its good or not I don’t know but atleast I got some info.
Last but one tomorrow so hope I don’t end up back in hospital


hi everyone

got bloods taken today and they are to low so my chemo has been delayed until next week. feel really crap now as i was so looking forward to finishing on wednesday.


Hi ladies…

Maria, what a let down - I felt like that last week when mine was put off, but at least its given me a week when I didn’t feel too bad with side-effects, so try and make the most of it, it’s not long and it will go so quickly, it has for me, hang in there girl.

Tracey, how annoying they won’t use your other arm!! Not sure why, but guess they must have some reasons. Good news you have some more info, I think its a good thing to be ER+, its means there are more drugs they can give you to help your body fight off the cancer. Good luck for tomorrow! Hope you’re coping ok at home…

Alison, hope you’re ok and not too bad with the nausea, when is your nxt chemo? I’ve lost track…chemo brain!

Fingers crossed, I’m in for blood test tomorrow, so hope I’m ok now.

Take care all

Thanks Shannon and I’ll say good luck for tomorrow now incase I’m stuck in bathroom with head over sink tomorrow .
As for coping at home …well, I’m getting just what I don’t need the night before chemo…my son has decided he isn’t going to bed again. So far we have been going for an hour and half!!! My left arm is even more battered now and he’s stripped his bed off.
What nearly mad me crack wasn’t him saying he hates me(I’m used to that) it was when he took aim at my face with my sturdy,heavy walking trainers.
I’m going to see if someone tomorrow can explain all this HER and ER etc stuff to me as I haven’t been able to find it out.
I’m like you Alison I miss work
hi to everyone

Dear missusB

You may find the Breast Cancer Care publication ‘Treating breast cancer’ helpful to read as it contains information about HER2 and ER status. You can read it via the following link:

Best wishes

Thanks for that lucy I’ve had a quick look and understand a bit more now. I’ll have a longer look when more time.
Yipee! peace at last…he’s given up and gone to be. Just me and the moggies now

Oh Tracey, wish I could wave a magic wand for you, I know how difficult youngsters can be, even though I don’t have my own, a previous (divorced) boyfriend did, and we had them every other w’end, and they are hard work even when you are 100% fit!!! Good luck for your chemo tomorrow chick.
On another topic, how many moggies do you have? I love animals, and have a horse (been looked after by 2 sharers right now) and 2 lovely mogs, who we’ve only had since july, but have provided love and entertainment and kept me company since I stopped work in september.

Take care hun, and everyone else.

hiya Shannon, I have 2 moggies, 1 black and 1 tortoiseshell (she growls). How did the blood test go?
I went and had my chemo…I explained about my arm and they could see that it wasn’t good!
3 nurses and 4 attempts and eventually we have a needle in, tears to the eyes and bitten finger to stop screaming.
been given other anti sicks.
At the moment I am wobbley on my feet and woozy head but no quick dashes have had to be made, although I’m sure they will come.
my mums here so she is dealing with my delightful son tonight!
I also said about how little info I had on my condition so they have arranged for me to hopefully see someone on my next pre chemo.
Everyone was looking at me today because I was the youngest, and i must admit ifelt very alone and could easily have cracked.

Hope everyone is muddling on
Tracey x

Hello everyone

Shannon do hope that you can have your last chemo.
Did not realise that we are all cat lovers. I have Archie, black and white, who is 18mths old. He had his poor little tail amputated in April after an injury. Also have 2 almost permanent visitors.
Tracy do hope the woozy feeling goes soon it is horrid.All these terms they use are confusing. All I know is my tumour is hormone receptive so I have to have tablets for 5 yrs to block the hormones. I would not worry about people staring. I find everyone is looking at everyone else at chemo where I go. I suppose we all feel sympathy with each other and want to know everyones story.
My next chemo is on jan 22nd, when I also see the surgeon and the counsellor. Its going to be a very busy day!
I feel the counselling is really helping and we had a good session yesterday.
Good luck to all having chemo this week and best wishes to the rest of us.
Alison x

Hi ladies,

Yes! I had my last chemo!!! Bloods were right back up, thank goodness. Just sinking in now that I don’t have to go back, and can start thinking about the next phase. Bad news is that surgery has been pushed back from 28th Jan to 18th Feb as surgeon is on hols.
So this is also cat lovers corner! Our two are quite young, about 11 months, part Devon Rex (their mum was only 6 months old and was ‘had’ by local tom!) Boy and girl, called Pink and Floyd, Pink is small, tortie and white, into everything, and a real princess. Floyd is big and clumsy, with a purr that never stops except when he sleeps, and then he snores!! He’s mostly white with grey tabby patches. They have really kept me company and been a real source of entertainment, so glad we had them.
As far as staring goes, I have had that too, even at 45 I am quite often the youngest, but everyone has been so friendly, and if chat breaks out people often admit that they were just wondering what sort of cancer I had as I was so young, and were feeling sorry for me. Although yesterday I was able to help a lady of 59 who was there with her husband for first chemo. They were both so scared about the treatment and after effects, it was nice to share a little of my experience with them to reassure them that the list of a million side effects that were possible were not all probable! At the end of the day he shook my hand and we wished each other well, it was a lovely thing to end on.
I’m still waiting for my HER2 status though… grrrrrrr…
Tracey, that was your last chemo too I think?? And Maria should have hers next week, and Alison next on 22nd and one more after that?? Think I’ve got that sussed… how far we’ve come already ladies, and lets hope all they say is right, after chemo, everything else is a walk in the park!!!
Hope no-ones suffering too much with side effects, I just had a sleepless night due to steroids, but can cope with that! Tracey, hope you’re coping with the little ones, and Alison hope all is well with you, glad the counselling helps.

Take good care all, not long to go now.

Hi there all
Shannon congrats on last chemo, no mine was last but one…so one more to go.
Yes my cats have been great company too. They fight a lot but also cuddle up. Jessie the tortoise shell really does growl sounding quite fierce at time. Any time we go to the vets the assistants always leave me to hold her!!!
Bobo the black cat is the mischief make and hunter.
They both sleep on my bed at night as there isn’t anyone else to share it with me.
My mum had the pleasure of seeing to my son last night and for her efforts she go bit,hit and kicked!!!
so far so good only once been sick, but keep falling asleep! except at night lol.
Sorry to hear the surgery has been put back but I’m sure that the time will shoot by.
Take care all

Tracey x

hi all

had appt with onc doctor today. he has decided not to give me my last chemo as my tumour seems to have shrunk significantly. so i will see the surgeon next week to make arrangements for my surgery. was told though if i want a reconstruction at the same time i will need to wait a bit longer. so dont really know what to do now as i really want the op over with as quick as possible. any advice would help

take care


ps ment to add i was told i am oestrogen + and progesterone - and herceptin +. dont really understand what all this means.

hi shannon congrats on having your last chemo. hope u keep well. thats the worst part over with. take care

best wishes

Hello Everyone
Shannon, yipeeee, you have finished, many congratulations. Wow what good news.
Tracy do hope the sickness settles. Tracy how old is your son?
Maria just looked out my details and I am Oestrogen and Progesterone positive which will mean me taking arimadex. I am HER2 negative, which means herceptin would not benefit me. You are so lucky not having to have your last chemo. well done on reaching the end of chemo.
My cat Archie sleeps on my bed and nudges me in the face about 7 every morning. He thens rolls over for a tummy rub and cuddle. Cats are such good company.
Hoping all those who have had chemo do not get many side effects and also hope the steroids allow you to sleep.
Love Alisonx