neo tango trial


Thanks ladies, its still sinking in that I don’t have to go back again for more treatment, and this will be my last bout of side -effects. I’m still having hot flushes, as I was pre-menopause before, and am now obviously going through the change. It’s really unpleasant, and disturbs my sleep, but hope it will improve soon…anyone else had these?
I think its good to be er/pr +, it gives you a little more in the ‘armoury’ to fight with, as you can have a number of drugs like Arimadex, Tamoxifen etc to help prevent any recurrence… HER2 I think is less clear cut, these days having Herceptin available evens up the score. Maria, well done too for finishing! I asked about Herceptin the other day, and was told it does mean going to the hospital once every 3 weeks for an infusion, a little like having chemo, but at our place they do it in another ward. Unlike chemo though, you may have some minor side effects, but it is nowhere near as aggressive as chemo. I haven’t really looked into it any further yet, but doesn’t sound too scary.
So I guess we’re all approaching decision time about surgery - anyone know what they will do yet? I’ve had some good feedback about my surgeon from ladies she’s operated on before, they said shes very good, so having considered the options, I’ve been happy to go with her recommendation of an immediate recon using a permanent tissue expander implant. She told me there would be no delay in surgery, but I will have to wait a few weeks longer afterwards before I can have rads. This make the op and recovery time much shorter and easier to recover from, and I won’t need further surgery. My only doubt was about the actual implant, if I had problems down the line, but she said I can always have a DIEP/LD flap etc at a later date, and I decided if I’m around to worry about an implant replacement in 10 - 15 years time, I’ll just thank my lucky starts to still be here to worry about it!!! Also I think this type works better for smaller women, I’m only 34AA. Its a very individual choice, but have heard you need to find out what your surgeon is best at - and if you decide you want something different then to ask about another surgeon who would specialise in your type. From reading a lot of other posts, this is a very individual decision though, no rights or wrongs, just what works for you physically and emotionally.
On the cat front, we don’t have the cats in the bedroom at night, that seems to be their play time - we’d never get any sleep!!! I’m hoping when they get a bit older and more settled that might change, also we should be moving from a flat (where they stay in all the time) to a house with a lovely garden sometime soon (I’m hoping before my surgery) so that might chill them out a bit.
Tracey, hope the nausea and sickness don’t get too bad, and your mum is helping loads. Sounds like you little lad is a handful! Did you say you had a little girl too?? Hang in there, not to long to go now…
Alison, take care, only one more for you too!
Oh, and just for interest, was going to ask how old we all are? I’m now 45, was dx in July last year at 44. I did book a place on a weekend seminar with BCC for younger women (I just managed to scrape in!) but will have to cancel as I’ll be in for surgery the week before, but it did sound interesting, so will try and book on another one at a later date.

Wishing you all good sleep, no sickness, and general well being, peace and happiness!!!


Hello everyone
I get the hot flushes as well Shannon they drive me mad especially at night. I often have to go and stand outside to cool off! It great though that I can take my hat/wig off to cool down!
By the way I am 51, I was just going into the change when I was diagnosed.
There seems to be so many surgery options. I just want the smallest op possible for me. I have to have a lymph clearance as I had two positive nodes. Found your post useful about surgery will be asking lots of questions.
Really hope the move can go ahead soon Shannon.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Alison x

Hi guys
sorry been offline for a couple of days, I’m fine but was sleepy and in a ‘couldn’t be bothered mood’.
I’m 35 and divorced last summer although on own for couple of years.
It took 2 years of major stress and grief to get the divorce and house settled!
I got a mortgage I could afford and then this happens, at the time I couldn’t afford any cover so am stuffed!
I find out at end of this month what is happening with my wages( going to half pay )
My son is 4 years old (5 end of month) and daughter is just 10.
He has always been problematic and I’ve tried to solve it but when you are constantly told it’s your fault you give up!.
I am now looking into things and hope to get somewhere this time.
My daughter is very emotional and at times young for her age.
She was 3 when I had a little boy born dead at 19 wks just after moving house, then the divorce and then this!
It was always my goal to be riding motorbikes b4 I was 40 but now I would just settle for a year of no problems of grief!!
Anyone else got goals other than beating this disease!
I have had all my appointments come thru. Last chemo 29th all being well, then ultrasound and mammogram on 7th then the dreaded CT scan on 12th and surgeon on 18th.
All I know for definate is I will lose my right breast. I haven’t had testing yet for the genes!
I was getting lots of hot flushes but mostly at night now, but i have also had some periods during treatment.
Will catch up on all threads today hopefully if I don’t fall asleep lol.
Take care everyone xx

Hi ladies…

Like Tracey, been in a tired and can’t be bothered mood… had a friends 40th birthday at the w’end, and had a couple to stay with us, and it took it out of me although was great fun. Had a few days with tingly fingers and a few joint pains, but am hoping this will pass by tomorrow.
Good news Tracey that you have your dates… so we’ll be in for surgery on the same day, and also my right breast! I’ve been given a date for an ultrasound scan, but don’t have a CT or any other tests due, I will have to ask about that. As for goals, I did fancy learning to ride a bike for my 40th too, but had one disastrous lesson and gave up on the idea. Parents and bike-riding brother were very relieved, they think its too dangerous.
As for goals…my goal was to get back to horse-riding fitness, as I’ve got my own little chap who I haven’t ridden since June last year, but he was looked at by the vet on Saturday, and I’ve been told to retire him as he has tendon problems. He has 2 sharers at the moment, who love him to bits, but they have to stop riding too. Shame really…so right now I’ll just be happy to get to feeling like I have some energy and getting back to work. That’s about as much of a goal as I can think about. I used to enjoy dancing too, but guess I’ll have to be careful with that one, be a while before I can do that after surgery as will have lymph clearance.
Alison, glad you found the surgery stuff useful, I’ve been quite lucky to talk to ladies who’ve been through it all, and done a bit of research. I wanted to make sure I had all the info before hand. Lots to think about…
I have to admit I have no idea how you ladies with children are coping… I manage day to day just with myself, the cats and my fella… and he’s pretty helpful as he lived alone for several years before I came along, so he can cope with washing etc. My hat is off to you all… I hope you can get things sorted Tracey, sounds like your little ones have had more than the usual to cope with, it must be so difficult. Good luck hun.
Take care all

Hello everyone, hope you are all well.
See the surgeon tomorrow and then I have got chemo on Tuesday, the last but one. Everything seems and uphill struggle at the moment which is strange with only one chemo after this. It all seems so endless with the surgery then rads.
Tracy I am sure you are doing a great job with your son, some boys are just very active.
Do not worry about the scan. I had a bone scan before chemo and it was fine. Also had a liver scan which was ok apart from the fact I apparently have gallstones! Also had to have a chest xray which did not show anything.
Shannon wondering if you have moved yet, if not wishing you all the best.
Best wishes to all
Alison x

Hi Alison,

Good luck with the meeting, and hope your bloods are ok and chemo goes ahead as planned. Don’t worry about the surgery and rads, from what I’ve read the chemo is the worst part, and you’re nearly at the end. It just wears you down.
I also had liver scan, x-ray and bone scan, but didn’t have a CT scan. I wonder why not??? I’m going in to see if I can catch my trial nurse today as I have a worry, so may ask her about that as well. I was just absent-mindedly checking my lump area, you know, the 5cm lump that had gone? Well, its back. I was sooooooo upset. I can definately feel at least one pea-sized lump. I’m going in this morning to see what my trial nurse says. My surgery has been put back to 18th Feb, and I’m scared it will carry on growing until then, if its come back while I’ve been having chemo, there’s nothing holding it back now…
And we haven’t moved in yet… getting to put paint on the walls now, need to get a kitchen in, and finish plumbing the bathroom in. Lots more to do, but I’ve been given an rough idea of about 4 -6 weeks!
Hi to Tracey and any other ladies as well, hope everyone is doing ok…

Take care, love

Quick update - saw my nurse and she got the onc to see me… he says he can feel some ‘knotty tissue’ but doesn’t seem to think its the lump back. So will be going Wenesday for ultrasound as planned, and see what they make of it. Feeling a little happier now.

Catch you ladies soon, take care

Hello everyone
Shannon glad that you got on well today, it sounds good. This so and so BC is such a pain.
Went to see surgeon and I have some lumpy tissue, which is probably ok. Feel a bit fed up as the surgeon is quite doddery and I wonder how competant she is. I think she wants me to have a masectomy but does not mind if I have a lumpetomy. I feel very confused and she wants me to ask the ONC what he thinks when I see him tomorrow. I have an hour long appointment with the BC in Feb to discuss op. I may say I want a second opinion and a different surgeon, wonder if this is staightforward?
Really cannot face chemo tomorrow, but there is no choice at the end of the day if I want to get over this. Sorry to sound so negative but I think everything is getting to me at the mo.
Good luck with all the decorating Shannon and plumbing,it all sounds very exciting.
Love Alison x

hi everyone
had last chemo on tuesday thank goodness thats over!!!
Bit wiped out at min as was sons 5th birthday yesterday and party tomorrow.
I think what has got to me most these last few sessions has been the difficulties siting a needle. 2 attempts for bloods and 3 for last chemo which was only 1 better that previous session.
just got the CT to go with a needle now. If they dont do it first time I’ll go up to the ward and get one of the chemo nurses to do it.
then its the mammogram and ultrasound before meeting the surgeon so hopefully in less than 3 weeks I’ll know about the op.
the doc on the ward reckons its 4-6 weeks recovery which could be fun with my little rat bag!!!
Shannon and Alison how did the appointments go?
speak soon
Tracey xxxx

Hi all,

Sorry Alison, realised I missed your last message. Hope the chemo wasn’t as bad as you were expecting, and you got through it. Keep going girl, only one to go, you can do it. If you aren’t happy with your surgeon, I would ask about your options… you need to have faith in the people who are looking after you. What was the feedback from your onc?
Tracey, well done for finishing!! The needle problem sounds awful though, I’ve been quite lucky I guess, they hit a vein first time, each time. But them I a bit older than you, and my hands have loads of blue veins that make them look older!! I asked about CT scans, and was told they don’t do them as standard at our hospital, so although its not something to look forward to, you are getting something extra!! I was told I would be out after surgery in about 2 days, and should be pretty ok after about 2-3 weeks, although I have to be careful as I will have all my lymph nodes removed. Do you have any help other than your mum? I did read somwhere about an organisation that can provide home help for this kind of situation, I’ll try and find the details again, if that helps.
I had my ultra sound last Wednesday, and all clear, no sign of any lumps, so thats it now, just waiting for surgery on the 18th.

Take care

Hello Everyone
Managed to get through chemo, I had trouble with finding a vein Tracy. Three nurses had a go and thankfully the third managed it. Felt relaxed after my lorazapam and the nurse who gave my chemo was lovely. It took a few days to get over the sickness again but am now not feeling too bad.
My hair is beginning to grow back and my head feels very fuzzy!
Shannon great news abot the ulra sound and that you will not be in hospital long after your op.
I have spoken to the BC about my surgeon and she says I can get a second opinion which I am going to do. My ONC is very happy with the way the lump has shrunk but my surgeon seems very doddery. I just worry that she is very old and not competant.
My last chemo will be on Feb 12th, yipee, I never thought that I would get this far.
Have got another free treament at the hosp on Monday, this time its a scalp and neck massage which I am looking forward to. On Wednesday I am going to the so called beauty session organised again by the hosp. apparrently you get a bag filled with well know products! Should be a laugh.
I think once we are through the op. we can really start to get our lives back on track even with the rads. I am really looking forward to that.
Hope that you both have a great weekend.
Love Alison x

Hi guys
thought i would check in as i seem to be off line more these days.
in a downer a moment and cant seem to lift
not really anything to do with cancer but the wonderful adorable child i have ( sarcasm… yes)
to be honest i am really close to calling social se3rvices to come get him ( and that take a lot to admit that as i would never go near them)
personally i cant see how i can have the op with him here.
this week has been abso hell and if he wasnt on routine stay at absent dad’s then i think i would be in jail now for murder
i am going to try to speak to mac nurse b4 i see surgeon to see if any home help available if not then it will be the dreaded social services to see if they can offer home help
everone says i cant stop0 now and must have the op but i dunno if i got strength to
parents said ages ago if i cant manage him they will have him and get him into local sch until i better but that wont help as he does for them what he does for me.
sorry to be on a downer… feel very lonely a moment and really wish there was a nice pair of arms here to give me cuddle, ( attatched to caring male would be even nicer)
Shannon after surgery will you post here or other thread ( so i know where to look )
Alison good luck with last one on 12th, i got ultrasound and mammo that day
take care x

Hello Tracy
I am sending a big hug via this post.
Please take all the help offered and go through with the op. you cannot stop now after going through all the chemo.
I really appreciate how difficult things must be. Has you son been accessed for things like attention deficit disorder.
You are so nearly there, please do not stop now. I am sure some of the things you are feeling are due to the effects of the chemo. like lack of strength.
Dont bottle things up just post on here as we are all here to supprt each other.
Love Alison x

Dear Tracey

I am sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time at the moment, please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, our team of specialist nurses will be able to talk to you about where you can get more help and can offer you support and a ‘listening ear’.
The helpline opens again on Monday morning at 9am-5pm.

Best wishes

Hi Tracey and Alison,

So sorry to hear how down you are Tracey, sending you big cyber hugs… I hope you can get some help, MacMillan seem to be pretty good. All I can say is I really don’t know how you ladies with children manage - I have the deepest and utmost respect and admiration for you. Going through all of this sh*t is bad enough, to do it as a single parent with young childen makes my experience seem like a walk in the park, you are amazing. Keep going hun, like Alison said, a lot of it is the chemo sapping your energy, you’ve come so far, hang on in there. I will be thinking of you tomorrow for your mammo and ultrasound, let us know how you get on.
Lets carry on with this thread for surgery, so we all know where to find each other.
Alison, good luck tomorrow for you as well, you’re nearly there, last one! Fingers crossed for your bloods, hope all goes as planned. The massage sounds wonderful, no-one at my hospital ever mentioned that… damn, missed out on that!
I’m feeling quite a lot better now, starting to get me strength back slowly. I have an appointment on Wednesday for pre-op assesment, trying not to think too much about next week!!

Lots of love to you both, take care,

Hello Shannon and Tracy,
Tracy do hope thigs are picking up for you, do keep going. Let us know how thigs are going.
Well got through my last chemo as bloods were ok, yipeeee. Really cannot believe I got through. Looking back to the start I wondered how I would survive this. Must say I have met some wonderful people along the way including you two.
Although verp apprehensive about op. I feel so much happier now I have changed the surgeon.
Hope you get on well today Shannon, thinking about you. Its one step nearer to getting your life back on track.
Really glad that your strength is coming back.
Lots of love
Alison x

Hi you two,

Alison, well done for finishing!!! You got there, isn’t it a great feeling, although I felt even better once I got through the last round of side effects. Glad if I have helped in some small way, as you did for me…I remember how low I was when I had my car vandalised outside the new house… seems like another lifetime ago. Its been great knowing I could come on here and have some support, and trying to give some back in my better days. Must be reassuring knowing you have your surgeon of choice, did I read somewhere that you are having WLE??
Tracey, any news on the surgery stuff, or home help?? Really hope you’re doing ok, and feeling a little bit stronger, I certainly feel the difference now chemo is finished.
I had my checks, I’m not a risk for general anasthetic apparently, so all set for Monday. I have to be in at 7am. Heck, that will be the first time (other than steroid days!) when I’ve seen 7am!!!

Catch you ladies soon, love to both,

Hello there
Shannon just want to wish you all the very best for Monday, will be thinking of you at 7am! It will be the last hurdle then you are on the home straight, yipee!
Tracy do hope things are picking up, please let us know hoe you are.
Hopefully the side effects will begin to get better tomorrow as I have been feeling quite sick. Cannot believe I got through the chemo.!
I see my new surgeon on Feb 27th but he seems happy to do a WLE plus lymph node clearance. Feel so happy that I now have someone competant doing my op.
Glad all the checks went well Shannon and again all the best.
Lots of love
Alison x

I have posted this on behalf of new member jo

Kind regards

Hi I did the neo-tango trial in Feb 06 and my tumour shrunk considerably, however I had to have 2 lumpectomies and a mastectomy because they couldnt get marginal clearance because the tumour “peppered”. May be if they had marked it it would have been better.

Hi Alison and sending Shannon big hugs
Saw consultant on monday and I’m due for my mastectomy on 12th March…,terrified…
I see the BCN todaay to talk thru it all.
Have had a bit of a break for little one and feel much better. But I have had to bite the bullet and ask social services for help, so just waiting now.
Because I’m only in my 2nd yr of new job my pay whilst off sick is only 2 months full and 2 months half which has run out so have had to apply for income support and SSP will only run till begining of May.
So my goal has got to be to be back at work for then, if not then things could get very difficult.
Hope you are feeling better Alison and good luck for the 27th.
I have 4 tumors they need to get out plus he said they will go for as many lymph nodes as possible. But hope to find out more later.Went to first meeting of new support group last night , it was really just chatting and discussing what to do with the group. Won’t be able to go to next one due to surgery but hope to go after that.
Jo, I think you are right and perhaps marking would have been a good idea in your case. how are you now?
Will check back in soon
Take care everyoneX