Nerve pain? Or bone mets?


I recently had a baby who is attached to me 24/7 so I am trying to be rational and put the pain down to that.
However for the past 6 weeks or so I’ve had a very weird sensation on my non cancer side (similar to when I had my nodes removed) where it is constantly burning and tender to touch if brushed under my right shoulder blade, (maybe my back ribs but I can’t differentiate) it doesn’t hurt when actually pressed, just when I’m sat down with my back leaning against something. It’s almost like sunburn type of thing, just like how my arm felt when the nerves were knitting back together after my full node clearance. I guess it also feels numb in a way, it’s very hard to explain. It’s very random but I also carry my baby in a carrier for the majority of the day, and dr Google is swaying towards nerve pain. I am waiting on a referral back to oncology but as you can imagine, my brain is in over drive.

Do these sound like common symptoms of bone mets?? I miss the days when you could have pain and not instantly think the cancer had returned.

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Hi ,this is the ask the nurses section ( I’m not a nurse just a forum user ) hopefully they will reply tomorrow with some advice Just posting to say I understand , everyone who’s been through breast cancer understands , anything new or different our minds go to mets don’t they and medics always consider it too but the vast majority of times it’s not breast cancer related just some run of the mill other thing and we have tortured ourselves for nothing . Hope you get re-assurance soon so you can relax and enjoy your little one .

Hello marie95

Thank you for posting your question.

It’s understandable that you feel worried about the symptoms you have. We often hear from people who worry about cancer coming back and if their symptoms may be related to their previous breast cancer.

As you say, the symptoms do sound like nerve pain and not a common symptom of bone metastasis (this pain tends to be described as a constant gnawing pain), but it is good to hear you have been referred back to your oncology team. As @Jill1998 says, most often symptoms are not related to the breast cancer, but it is best to get any new symptom assessed.

You mention carrying your baby in a carrier for the majority of the day. You may find it helpful to try carrying in a different position to see if this helps relieve the pain. Keeping a diary of when the pain comes and goes and identifying if there are any things that make it better or worse can also be helpful. Taking any notes you make with you when you see the oncology team will help them assess the symptoms.

If you are still having follow up for your breast cancer, you can also contact your breast care nurse who may be able provide some advice while you are waiting for an appointment.

We have a range of supportive services for anyone who has been affected by breast cancer which you may find helpful. You can find details about these services here. You may find our moving forward courses of particular interest.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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