Nerve pain post latissimus dorsi

LD Flap reconstruction 2006 and have had constant nerve pain ever since.Have been on every type of drug to help the pain or gabapentin,amitriptyline,pregabalin,duluxotine, the only one that helped was dihyrocodeine and tramadol ! But have been one these for over 9 years and not as affective.Its only just now after 12 years of constant pain that my GP has said its nerve pain and not just wear and tear on my back!!! Its the operation itself ! It has caused nothing but misery in my life and just wondered if there are any ladies out there who have had the same problems as me?if i knew then etc would i of gone a head eith it NO I know its been 12 years + since I would like to think this operation has improved.

I’m really sorry to hear that you have suffered with pain for 12 years. I had the same surgery 3 months ago so I can’t really help you but I really hope that this is not the norm and what I have to look forward to ?

I hope you wont suffer from the pain that i have endured .Apparently I had 2 surgeons working on me! The one who done the breast made a fantastic job no complaints there , he was the only one I met. The other was the one who removed the muscle from my back and it looks like a dogs dinner!!!

Hi  ive just seen your post re nerve pain,  i too wish id never gone ahead with lat dorsi reconstruction back in 2009,  regret the decision every single day.  Was told by surgeon that id have no problems etc, and have nothing but, pain, feeling of being constricted like a plastic tie pulled round under by breast bones,  pain etc, list goes on and for last 6 - 7 years pain in left side of my head which im now sure is connected to this.  Im in depair some days but cant seem to findanything to help  any ideas?  Cant brush things properly or do some physical activities, alsorts i cant do without pain  pain and more  im so down with it all

My LD Flap was 2013. I’ve had implants removed and reinstated and revisions and nerve cut…. nothing has helped… pain is still relentless. I feel as if I’ve been butchered and have no expectations that pain will ever go away. 
Its depressing and debilitating. I was thinking of having implants removed but I’ve been told this won’t help the pain. I tell anyone contemplating this surgery not to go ahead. I wasn’t a candidate for taking stomach muscle due to scarring from an ectopic pregnancy. My pain is like being permanently constructed by a heavy band (iron bra syndrome) I thought a diagnosis of CA was bad, but I have seriously had  ‘decision regret’ for the last 9 years. I personally feel the surgery should be banned. I wouldn’t wish this discomfort on my worst enemy.