Nerve repair (Zingers) - New to Cancer

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to this forum, and have just had a lumpectomy & sentinel lymph node biopsy operation (12 days in).

Struggling a bit as I keep getting like a zillion minute electric shocks, that jolt me right under my armpit & my back & I have spoken to nurses about this & they have said its repairing of the nerves ? my god! Also have a couple of blisters around the edges of the dressings popping up too, just found a 2nd one now should I be worried? I’ll call nurses tomorrow ?

I’m also questioning my dressings & stitches (dissolvable) under my arm pit, as it feels so tight and very tender hoping once the dressings are removed this will ease it.

Anyways, I’ve done a bit of googling, which I know they say ‘don’t’… but, I’ve found this that I thought I’d share as it’s put my mind to rest a bit, let’s face it, we had enough to contend with without facing more unknown stuff that can cause us anxiety…


Quick synopsis- the sharp electric volts are actually our nerves repairing…

Just thought I’d share on here cos it I was thinking I was doing something wrong

Hi Calvigirl

I’m 7 weeks post surgery after lump removal combined with breast reduction on right side. No lymph nodes involved. 

I had several things you mention. Tightness and tenderness was par for the course. There’s swelling and bruising. This takes a while to settle. I found its a gradual process. Read that most is fine by 3 months, but last bits can be a lot longer. 

I had couple of pimples pop up. Turned out they were dissolvable stitches which were close to the surface of the skin. Somtimes they get pushed out the body instead of dissolving. Nothing to worry about and your wound care nurse can deal with them.

I’ve only just started getting little zingy pains occasionally. Haven’t talked to my BC Nurse but suspect it’s nerves healing. 

Please go see your BC or wound nurse. They can check everything out and explain what’s happening.

Wishing you the best. It’s a difficult time and you don’t know what’s normal and what’s not.