Nervous about upcoming appointment

Hi all! Just looking for a bit of support and positivity really…

I’ve been referred to the breast clinic and my appointment is on Tuesday and I’m a bit nervous about what will happen and obviously the results.

So a few months ago I had eczema on my hand, face and left breast. I was prescribed some cream from the doctors which seemed to clear up the dryness. The doctor did say to call back if my boob started weeping (yeah right! What a thought!) One day shortly after I was getting out the shower and my boyfriend said “whats that on your boob?” Looking down there was a red oval rash covering my nipple and areola. I had noticed it had been very itchy but didn’t think anything of it. Anyway forgot about it all (or did I not want to think about it) I started to notice patches in my bra and wetness on my boob…weeping? Yeah so it got worse and I kept putting off calling the doctor back but eventually two days after my 30th birthday and after basically ruining all of my bras I called them back and got some antibiotics. One week later these didn’t work and called again. This time I finally got an actual appointment (COVID time) and the doctor was great, asking about my symptoms and even felt to see if she could feel any lumps (she couldn’t) but was concerned that the cream and antibiotics haven’t worked and the skin seems to have thickened(?). Anyway I have my appointment on Tuesday and obviously pleased to get it checked it I’m also terrified of the worst case scenario. Just would like a bit of advice about the appointment and reassurance. Thank you all.

Hi ,welcome to the forum - good luck with your appointment on Tuesday .Most breast changes / lumps are not breast cancer so there’s a good chance that on Tuesday they will get to the bottom of what’s going on and re-assure you .Its often impossible to know what’s going on without the help of ultrasound or mammogram and even then not always clear cut .If they have any doubts they will do a biopsy on the day either with a long fine needle or a core biopsy which is a bit like a whole punch ! They are guided by mammogram or ultrasound - not comfortable but if it means getting a clear answer .Hopefully on Tuesday all will be well and you can breathe a big sigh of relief .There is lots of support here if you need it .Jill x