nervous wreck!!

Hi all
I came across this site whilst browsing the net and subsequently making myself feel worse!
I found a swollen lymph node in my armpit a few weeks ago and developed a second lump a few days later. My armpit is painful off and on in a sort of stingy sort of way and i get a searing pain that goes to my nipple! i have been to the doc and an appointment has been booked at the hospital for next week. since going to the doc i have become sort of unwell with flu type symptoms but as i am so worried i am probably feeling ill because of that?
I know it is impossible for you to say if i have BC but has anyone else had similar symptoms and what was the outcome? I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best but would really like to know if anyone thinks that it IS likely to be BC?
Thanks for listening

Hi Sparrow
I can’t really help but wanted to post so you know you are not alone.

All I can say is hang on in there for your appointment and results - even if I said it doesn’t sound like BC you would still be worrying anyway. You can’t change whether you will have BC or not - so try to focus on things that you can do for yourself in the next week - get all all those jobs done that you’ve been putting off - then whatever the result you will have achieved something and be ahead of the game, even if your biggest challenge next month is being organised for Christmas.

I’d also try and find someone to talk to if you haven’t already - you don’t need to tell the world at this stage, but just one person will help.

Thinking of you - positive vibes coming your way

Thanks sue
I am glad that christmas is round the corner as it does give a good distraction as does my 3 year old!!!
do you think the symptoms sound like it is likely? anyone else’s symptoms similar? the first lump/ lymph node is deep in my armpit and the second lump is at the crease of my armpit, where you get the second boobie if your bra is too tight!
this is gonna be a very long week!
Thanks again sue for the support

Hi Sparrow and welcome to the BCC forums

I am posting a link to the BCC publication ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may find helpful whilst waiting for your appointment, if you feel it would help to talk your worries through please feel free to call our helpliners who are here to offer you further support and a listening ear:

Helpline 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2

Take care

thanks lucy i have downloaded the leaflet.
I wish i could have the tests now and get it over with!!!
Anna xx

I am in the same situation… Wish I could get the tests over with. Waiting is the worst as my mind goes to dark places. Hoping that this time flies by for both of us and that we get good results.

Yep i know those dark places, lets keep our fingers crossed.
started making an advent calendar today to try and keep my mind off things!!!
let me know how you get on, will be thinking of you

Good luck with the advent calender!! I have been busy cooking and started on Christmas cards. I will be thinking of you as well and hope that we both get the results we are hoping for.

same, let me know how you get on. it seems whatever the result there is lots of support on this site.
Will be thinking of you

Ha Ha, i seem to have repeated myself!!! still stands though!
Im going round the twist, i can’t concentrate on anything but my lumps. Eastenders and jeremy vine isn’t helping either! I called the hospital today to try and get an earlier appointment if there was a cancellation, what was i thinking, I know i wouldn’t cancel and i can’t imagine anyone else will cancel their appointment either. I wonder how many calls they get for earlier appointments?
It is nice though to be able to rant, worry, cry and generally let off here.
What a wonderful site this is and thank you to everyone

I am in the same situation. I can’t think about much else besides my breasts either. I am also on the “cancellation” list for my clinic. I keep checking to see if they have called and think that every time the phone rings it is the clinic. Glad to know I am not the only one

Hi Abigailsmomma
How you doing? I saw your app is the 5th? mines the 1st, still feels like forever away. Im trying to accept the worst so if its good news it will be a bonus!!!
Either way though it gives you a scare doesn’t it? Im writing a list of all the things I’m gonna change after the 1st regardless of the outcome, Its getting quite long!!!

Just sneaking in to see how things are going…
Good luck to both of you!

Hello…Sparrow, I know what you mean about feeling like it is going to take forever to get the results. Like you, I have been assuming the worst. The past few days, I have spent trying to figure out our insurance (which docs, hospitals, etc are in network so that we don’t get stuck with sixty percent of the bill) and childcare. Despite how terrified I am, this process has made me feel grateful because so many people here don’t have good insurance. I really like your idea of the list. I think I am going to start one too. I will be thinking of you and I am counting the days down with you. I am on here pretty regularly and I will definitely check to see how your appointment went.
Sue, thank you so much for your well wishes.
I am so grateful for the positive and strong women on this site. You all are really helping me get through this wait.

Hi Sparrow,
Just wanted to let you know that I sending good vibes your way and keeping my fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow.

quick update, not sure whether to be scared or not but surprisingly feel very calm!!
had my appointment today where they performed and u/s and core biopsy. The lump is an enlarged axillary lymph node but for no apparent reason.
I was asked lots of questions on whether i had been ill recently or if i have any infected wounds!!! the answer was no!! they decided they also want to take bloods too. so now I’m back to waiting. I have another appointment same time next week to discuss results.
Thanks all for letting me share my journey.

Hi Sparrow,
Thanks so much for the update. I was thinking about you all morning (well…it is only 9:11 here but I am up at 6:00 am with my daughter). I am
glad that you are feeling calmer. Sounds like they did a pretty thorough work up. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I will definately check back to see what the docs have to say next week.
Best Wishes!!

Hi abigailsmomma
thanks for the support. will be/ have been thinking of you too. Yours is monday? 5th are you coping with the wait ok. its agonising isn’t it. but to be honest i have convinced myself that mine is the big c and am coping better this way, pessimistic i know but at least i am prepared (ish) and so will be pleasantly surprised if I’m wrong. the u/s was fine and the biopsy was not too bad, i felt like i had been micro chipped multiple times!!! bit sore now though. gives me an exude not to do too much for a day or two!!

Hi Sparrow. The imaging center just called and they were able to squeeze me in. Luckily, my babysitter can come and my hubby is able to go with me for moral support. At this point am prepared (ish) to hear things I don’t want to hear, and have accepted to the greatest of my ability that it may be the big c so just want to get on with it. I will be in touch with the results. Thanks for your support and kindness on this bumpy road.

good luck for your appointment abigailsmomma, thinking of you xx