Neuropathy in feet

Hi all,
I finished 12 paclitaxel on may of this year. I definitely got some neuropathy from it; the tips of my fingers & soles of my feet felt a bit numb/tingly but nothing i couldn’t handle.
Im now on kadcyla (not even half way through treatment) & this week i have developed the worst neuropathy in my feet. Its in my toes and the top of my feet, nearly to my ankle. Im in constant pain but its especially sore (eye watering) when im in bed & my feet touch blankets/sheets.
Really worried i wont get through my next 6 months of treatment if im in so much pain.
Has anyone got any tips of things i can do or take to reduce the pain?


There is a thread ‘numbness in toes’

Someone started on a supplement called Pyhto v I think.

Also of neuropathy persists you nee to report to DVLA if you drive and can claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP) but you can also claim with cancer.

Thanks very much for your reply. Will check out this thread

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I’m the same but wear sensible walking boots all the time , walk as much as I can and keep my weight down . I don’t mean I actively try and lose weight but half a stone makes all the difference to the foot pain . My chemo Abraxane was reduced too due to previous treatment twelve years ago . The neuropathy has got worse rather than better since this chemo finished but I tend to tell myself it’s the trade off for being lucky enough to be given treatment . I’m told that sometimes it can improve so fingers crossed things improve for you . :sunflower:

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Thanks so much for your reply. Will try to keep walking. Didnt realise weight played a part too so will try to loose a few pounds.
I agree with you, its a horrible side affect but we’re lucky we’re here.
Hope it improves for you.
Thanks again

I’ve not read anywhere about weight just something I’ve noticed myself which may help .It’s the second time I’ve gone through treatment and I think hormone tablets cause a lot of aches and pains in feet from past experience. Like I say just a few pounds seems to make that difference I also eat a very pure from scratch diet . Again not to a point where it rules my life but it seems to help. A lot of foods are inflammatory. There’s a cancer charity called Cavendish Cancer Care. They do amazing nutrition courses online. Really interesting and really checked out. I’ve found them so helpful . They discuss how food can help side effects ,maintaining a healthy weight , what to eat and how to eat to help combat fatigue etc Really excellent .I recommend to anyone struggling with side effects. Good Luck :sunflower: