Neutropenic Sepsis

Started my first cycle of chemo on 31/10. On 7/11 felt rotten all day. Checked temperature early evening, it was high, called the acute oncology nurse, advised to get to A&E quickly. After blood tests admitted onto a ward in a very wobbly condition. Was in isolation for six days receiving IV antibiotics. Still in hospital 13/11 awaiting results of today’s blood tests and a different antibiotic. Still don’t know when I’ll be well enough for discharge. Am terrified of this happening again. If I hadn’t got myself into hospital when I did I shudder to think what could have happened. Anyone else had a similar experience.

Sorry to hear you have been so poorly Thieya. I had a similar experience after my first round of docetaxel. My oncologist reduced the dosage for the next three rounds and I had filgrastim injections to boost white blood count. I hope you feel better and are home soon.
Jacq x

Hi Thieya sorry to hear you’re in hospital. I had this after my 2nd FEC. My doctor reduced the dose going forward and gave me extra filgrastim. It didn’t happen again. Hope you feel better soon x

Thanks JacqB for your reply and good wishes. It’s good to hear that something can be done to help prevent this happening again.
Thieya x

Hi WhyteFawn
Thanks for your reply and to hear that your reduced dose has prevented any further occurence. x

Hi thieya, me and whytefawn did chemo same time, I got a 6 day stay in casa nhs too after 1st fec. They reduced my dose for remaining rounds and I also started life Mel honey. Didn’t happen again for remaining rounds. The main think is you were vigilant and called your team straight away which is 100% the correct thing to do. Your oncologist will access things when your next appointment is, you could ask for reduced dose if it’s not mentioned, you do what you need to do to get you through ???you are ???and beautiful and we are here ???whytefawn an honorary pair of our famous gold hot pants to thieya to help her keep kylie spinning around through the chemo like we all did ???Hope this helps darling ??:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi ShI
Thanks for your post. It’s really upbeat and encouraging and I take on board your advice. Will discuss reduced dose with my oncologist. Is the honey Manuka honey? I’ve heard that helps with sore mouth symptoms. Thks again. It really helps to hear from others who know what it’s like! ??xx

Hi theta, get them to give you difflam in your goody bag at hospital that will help with mouth, but if you get white tongue that will most likely be oral thrush and you will need some fluconzole and need to ring help line immediately. Quite a lot of us got that, so you go in armed with a list of what you want ??our Oct 17 thread was a bit ???And we had a tune a day on the chemo jukebox, so get those hot pant hooked up and bit of Nolan sisters I’m in the mood for dancing ???Keep ???we are here ???:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I too had neutropenic sepsis after my first dose of FEC and spent five days in an isolation ward on intravenous antibiotics. My dose was reduced to 80% for the next two and I had no problems. Then I had 100% of the T ( Docetaxel) and whilst not becoming neutropenic I ended up in hospital twice with a high temperature - once I was kept in overnight and discharged with oral antibiotics and then as soon as they finished my temperature soared again and I ended up for five days in hospital again on intravenous antibiotics. No infections have ever been found.

The oncologist has reduced my last two doses to 80% and I’ve definitely felt much bettrrbafter my second T. And kept out of hospital so far. However the doctor in the chemo unit gave me good advice re keeping my temperature under control without rushing to hospital where I feel they are obliged to set the process in motion and admit you for a barrage of tests and antibiotics as a precautionary measure once you’ve been neutropenic. 

So this time I’ve jus taken the antibiotics given to me by the unit after a visit to my GP with a slight skin infection and a temperature of 37.9 and all has settled down. Fingers crossed for the rest of the cycle and cycle 6! 

I too had neutropenic sepsis after my first dose of FEC and spent five days in an isolation ward on intravenous antibiotics. My dose was reduced to 80% for the next two and I had no problems. Then I had 100% of the T ( Docetaxel) and whilst not becoming neutropenic I ended up in hospital twice with a high temperature - once I was kept in overnight and discharged with oral antibiotics and then as soon as they finished my temperature soared again and I ended up for five days in hospital again on intravenous antibiotics. No infections have ever been found.

The oncologist has reduced my last two doses to 80% and I’ve definitely felt much bettrrbafter my second T. And kept out of hospital so far. However the doctor in the chemo unit gave me good advice re keeping my temperature under control without rushing to hospital where I feel they are obliged to set the process in motion and admit you for a barrage of tests and antibiotics as a precautionary measure once you’ve been neutropenic. 

So this time I’ve just taken the antibiotics given to me by the unit after a visit to my GP with a slight skin infection and a temperature of 37.9 and all has settled down. Fingers crossed for the rest of the cycle and cycle 6!