Hi forum members,
I am so exhausted mentally from my experience and my anxiety is through the roof, so could do with some helpful and supportive words of advice
I have been awaiting my core needle biopsy results on a suspected sebaceous cyst since 27 November. Was never even expecting the biopsy and this is where it all started from an anxiety perspective. Anyway fast forward I called them this Monday at the breast clinic to hear that my Doctor was going to write to me about my result. This morning I received a copy letter from the Consultant to my GP saying that I had my ultrasound on the 27th November (the letter was dated a day after my US 28 November but arrived today). I presume within the 14 day period they have to respond.
There was no mention of my biopsy - i called back the clinic to find speaking to another member of the reception team that my biopsy hadn’t actually even gone to the MDT meeting which meets every Thursday. I was very upset saying why was I told that it had, and that i would be written to? The lady on the desk could understand my concern and said that she would speak to the Secretary of my consultant and she would call me.
She did call me and verbally told me that my pathology had come back with ‘benign breast changes’ she said that the Trust has a policy to refer all cases to MDT regardless of a benign result and that after this they would be in touch. I was so anxious and unsure following my experience with the clinic telling me that it had been discussed - that I made her repeat a number of times that she was sure the report said benign breast changes and she said, yes.
Apparently they said the MDT was only able to view certain cases last Thursday as the full composite of doctors wasn’t there - what would happen to urgent cases in this regard - they just get bumped for a week?
I am hoping that this now means that whatever the issues is, it is not cancer as the pathology is negative for cancer.
I understand the pressure that the NHS is under - but I wish they would understand that casually just saying oh yeah no it wasn’t discussed at that meeting and is still in the queue creates massive anxiety for people waiting for results.
Rant over, sorry just needed to vent!
Apologies if i sound self-indulgent!