New book ‘There Is Always Hope’

Hi everyone, David suggested I should use the coffee lounge to make you aware of my recently published book, ’There Is Always Hope’
In January 2020, my partner Deidre was diagnosed with Stage 4 secondary breast cancer which had spread to her lungs and liver and we had had no forewarning. The book, written from my perspective Asher partner, describes how we navigated the early days of shock, fear, medical appointments, and telling our families; through Covid, lockdown, isolation, our catching Covid, my mother’s passing; and ultimately finding hope through the kindness of others, and facing up to the profound challenges our new situation presented.
I try to provide an empathetic impression of what it is like to be a partner who is dealing with feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness amongst many other things and while the account is in many ways deeply personal, it’s core theme is universal in that it deals with the effects of cancer on sufferers, their partners and families; and with the as yet unquantified and staggering consequences of Covid on our everyday lives. It is, therefore, not only a description of that time but as a support and comfort to those going through similar situations.
Proceeds will be donated to the ‘Make 2nds Count’ secondary breast cancer charity and it is available through or Amazon or Apple Books


Thank you for sharing this @ziggy1972 .Best wishes to you and Deidre .