New breast reconstruction guidelines

New guidelines for UK teams providing oncoplastic breast reconstruction have just been launched, along with a summary of the guidelines for patients, by the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) and Breast Cancer Care.

The guidelines aim to ensure all breast cancer patients are well informed about their reconstruction and can expect to receive the best care and support wherever they’re treated.

You can read more about how Breast Cancer Care has helped develop these new guidelines here Search Results | Breast Cancer Now

The guidelines were discussed on this morning’s Woman’s Hour on Radio 4, when Emma Pennery (Breast Cancer Care’s Clinical Director) spoke to Jenni Murray. There was also a clip of Mandy, a Breast Cancer Care volunteer, talking about her reconstruction experience. You’ll be able to listen the programme again on the Woman’s Hour website BBC Radio 4 - Woman's Hour, Susan Boyle; Jude Kelly; Lone Frank

If you’ve had reconstructive surgery, would these guidelines have made a difference to your experience?

Couldn’t access the link ‘summary of the guidelines for patients’ when clicked on it . Could it be cos I’m using an iPad.? So can’t say if would have been useful. Had my recon last week.


I cant open it either and I’m on a desktop.


cant open the link to this and i am using a desktop this would have been so useful as iam about to undergo reconstructive surgery in the next two weeks.

Hi all

Can you try this link to the guidelines mentioned and let us know if it works for you, thanks:

We are aware that some of the unanswered threads showing are really old and I have let our tech team know so it can be looked into, thanks for highlighting

Best wishes

Lucy BCC