New Comer

Hello all I was diagnosed with grade 3 Breast cancer on 15 July and had a seperate op to remove sample of lympnodes on 12 Aug, I found out today out of the four removed that there was cancer in one.

I asked for a scan and was told I would only be offered that if I had any other symptoms, my investigations started in May and I am concerned if I now go on and have the nodes clearance operation at this stage it will be a long time before the chemo begins.

The specialist has said there is an option to start chemo first and then do the clearance operaton after and the nurse said there would be around 10% change it would be in more of my lympnodes, however the oncologists like to see results of the clearance op before giving me the chemo and radio treatment.

I am quite confused about the best way forward as like many of you and keep imagining that it has spread, which is very scary.

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.

Lots of love and luck to you all.


Hi Noblebird

Bumping this up for you hopefully someone can give yo more info.

I would ask again about the scan, do you mean a CT or MRI? I thought both were standard procedure but not totally sure. It might be worth giving the helpline here a ring to see if they know any more, they are really lovely and very helpfull.

I’m not totally sure what the options you have been given are. Are they giving you conflicting advice? I had chemo first in my treatment and it seems to be quite a common thing to do, then had my op. Would be helpful if you could ask your BC nurse, do you have her contact details? They know your details so it’s good to get advice from them and also to get clarification of what your options are. It’s hard at the beginning you are hit with so many decisions to make and your still taking it all in. Try not to panic and just concentrate on this decision at the moment, talk to a few people and it will all hopefully seem clearer.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.



Hi Noblebird

As Jayne has mentioned to you, it may help to call our helpline where you can talk things through with one of our team, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000.

You may also find the BCC Resource pack useful, here’s a link to more information and an order form, it’s been designed to aid anyone newly diagnosed:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/82/

Take care

My experience was quite similar to yours but I was told it was simply the protocol in my hosp. I had a smallish grade 2 tumour. Had my op and an snb. One of the three nodes were affected. I asked at this point for scans they said they would only do these if more nodes came back positive from my clearance. I had the clearance and no other nodes were positive so no scans. My chemo was decided on my nodes, age, tumour and that it was her2+ and hormone negative. Personally I would have liked the scans. But was happy to have the clearance before chemo as although it delayed chemo at least I knew what I was facing- waiting for the results was hard. Hope my experience helps a little. Debx

Hi Noblebird,

I’m at a similar stage to you and posted my fist cry for help a couple of days ago too!

I was diagnosed with grade 3 after WLE and a node clearance the results being 2/15 involved and like you been terrified ever since that it’s lurking elsewhere, my consultant has said that it’s unlikely but sent me for both bone & organ CTs (my bone was this morning & organ tomorrow), although frightening I personally feel happier to know for sure what I’m dealing with and if you’re the same you should insist on having the scans if only to put your mind at rest.

Good luck

Lucy xx