New DCIS patient

Hello, This is my first posting but I have been reading all your comments for some weeks since I was diagnosed with DCIS in early Feb 09. I was offered a mastectomy within one month and had decided against a reconstruction as all the operations on offer sounded more unappealing than having one breast. Then my husband read a magazine article about ‘keyhole’ mastectomies and I asked my consultant to refer me to the consultant mentioned in the article, who is at the Royal Free Hospital. I am going to see the new consultant tomorrow to see what he can suggest for my treatment. I have had time to do research on the internet about DCIS (which I had never heard of before Feb)and to learn more about the types of reconstruction and what I think I could cope with. It does seem that I shall shortly have to face an operation and a changed body.
I thought Jenni Murray’s comments on cancer on BBC2 Newsnight this week very apt and down to earth. I’ve just got to cope and carry on. Best wishes to you all out there.

how did you get on re key hole surgery?



Sorry to but in on this thread but I was hoping for some advice.

I have been diagnosed with DCIS afted a WLE. I’ve been told I need another WLE as they didn’t get it all out. If they can’t get it all then i’ll need a masectomy.

A few things have since occurred to me. I haven’t been told what grade it is- should I know this now? Also, I have read that it can be very difficult to work out whether it has all been removed or not- is it not better to have a masectomy anyway to be sure? If so, is a double one better?


Freddie xxxx