New diagnosis Invasive lobular breast cancer

Hi all,  I was diagnosed on the 5th October with Invasive lobular bc, grade 2 this was diagnosed after mammograms, ultrasound and biopsy were done. I then had an MRI breast scan done almost 2 weeks ago and when for my appointment for the results last Wednesday. After speaking the the bc nurses I was expecting to go in and get my results and treatment plan but the MRI showed the tumor was bigger than they thought and there is another tumor underneath the original, which looks to be another Lobular one, with a mass to the side of it, I now have to wait until the 5th October to have a vacuum biopsy under mammogram, has anyone had one of these before? And then have to wait until the 19th October for those results and then hopefully will get a treatment plan.

The waiting has been awful and I’m struggling having had to come off of my HRT (previous hysterectomy) as mine is ER +. 

If anyone can spread any light on what treatment they had or how to cope with the hot flushes and waiting, it would be greatly appreciated xx

Thankyou for taking the time to read. 

Hi Cassie, 

I was told a week ago today I have the same bc as you after being recalled after routine mammogram, I had the same tests as you on the day , I have my mri tomorrow

I have heard about a vacuum biopsy but don’t know why they would need to do one, this is the problem with this type of bc I have read it doesn’t grow the same but goes in lines I think, could you or the nurses fell any lumps?

The waiting is terrible isn’t it, it drives you crazy I think

How long have you been in HRT? I was only it it for six months so coming off hasn’t been great but not too bad , still get night sweats and palpitations , probably not helped by anxiety 
Hopefully someone who has experienced a vacuum biopsy will reply soon x 

Hi Cassie, 

Hope all goes well for you today, let us know how you get on x 

Hi your diagnosis sounds similar to mine .I’ve got lobular breast cancer .The mamagram showed the mass to be 35mmx 34mm but the ultrasound showed it 28mm x13 x 15 mm.Axillary biopsy was benign, Oestrogen receptor  positive, progesterone receptor negative ,HER2 Negative .I had a mri 2 days ago so just waiting the results to determine the actual size of the mass .I’ve also had to stop my hrt (been on it 5 and half years after hysterectomy ). How long did you wait for results from mri ? I’ve been told 7 to 10 days before I get results then they will call me I to see what surgery I need and will also need sentinel lymph node biopsy .I put a brave face on for my children that are at home (15 and 5)but my day can go from being OK to scared,angry ,upset ,sad and tearful …I’ve not yet had any side effects of stopping the hrt yet ,been off it 3 weeks .How you feeling ? X