New diagnosis of brest csncel

I have recently been diagnosed  with early stage breast cancer because there are 3 lumps thay want to do mastectomy  can anybody  give me any  advice  on having  the inplant straight  away  are there any down sides to this that I need to be aware of.

Dear Walker,

So sorry to read that you have joined the club that everyone tries to avoid, however we have all been there and now were here for you hopefully with some good advice.

Lots of people have a Mastectomy followed by reconstruction at the same time this  is usually very successful also helps emotionally and you will leave the hospital looking very much like when you arrived with both breasts.

Wishing you well for an excellent outcome going forward, please let’s us know how your doing.

biggest hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with a bit of my tum, something called a diep reconstruction. It was fine as far as I was concerned because I woke up with a breast instead of a flat area. They said if they’d not been able to do the diep surgery they would put in an implant. implants can go hard over time as they are a foreign body unlike a flap kind of surgery like I had. But it’s not suitable for everyone. You have to have smaller breasts, a big enough tum with fat in it to use for the flap. You can’t be a smoker and you have to be in good general health. I was luck aged 67 that I could meet their requirements. It took me a long time to get over and I found out that due to earlier surgeries, I was allergic to surgical tape, surgical sutures, dermabond, micropore, transpore and that meant I itched like mad for months. Luckily this is not dangerous and it eventually stopped. I will shortly be going to a hospital for patch tests to confirm which chemicals are responsible e.g. rubber, plastic, paraffin, petroleum or whatever. Seagulls