New diagnosis of secondaries in liver after liver biopsy, and wondering if my symptoms are normal

Hi all. Diagnosed with secondaries in my liver and that’s all right now, although a bone scan next week might show up bony mets too. I started Fulvestrant last week. Will have Ribocilcib if the tumour is still HER-, otherwise Phesgo to be added.
I had a liver biopsy 2 weeks ago and I have had a lot of distension and new sharp pains since then. Those are settling down now, but I wasn’t warned to expect them :woozy_face: Anyway, I wondered how other people felt after a liver biospy? I’m also getting pain in my stomach and wonder if my enlarged liver is pushing on it - I’m finding it difficult to know what to eat and not eat for the best to stop getting a stomach ache. This is new!

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I was diagnosed early last year with bone and liver mets. The liver biopsy I found to be an uncomfortable experience and i did have some pain and tenderness in the area afterwards for a while. I can’t remember having any bloating or stomach issues though, but my liver wasn’t enlarged. Im on palbociclib and letrozole since last march, and my tumours in the liver are shrinking. My bones are stable.
I hope that helps a bit. I wish you all the luck in the world for your treatment.

Amanda xx

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