New diagnosis


I have been reading a few of the forums and getting really positive vibes off you all. 

I have recently been told I have mets to the l3 and l4 vertebrae, along with signs of it in pelvis and sacrum. I have my oncology appointment on Monday so I am hopeful for a good treatment plan then. I was just wondering if anyone had similar. I previously had 2 breast cancers 7 and 3 years ago both ER positive , Her negative. 

It’s very inspiring to see all the positives on here, obviously I am a little anxious at the mo.

thank you to anyone who reads this


Claire’s Do please use the someone like me option snd also the ask the nurse option too Breast Cancer Now can help and support you and I’m sure others will be along soon to share answers to your questions on the threads too :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: Shi xx

Hi Clairew

I’m so sorry to read about your secondary diagnoses and sorry to read you have been through this twice before.

Good luck with your treatment plan on Monday, I felt so much better once I had a treatment plan in place.

I am also ER positive, Her2 negative. My secondaries are in spine, ribs, pelvis and liver.  Although I was diagnosed straight to secondary. I am 37 and have two girls aged 5 and 7.

I’m on ribociclib, letrozole, zoladex and Denosaumaub which is a bone strengthener.

I was diagnosed in March this year and my first scan results in May were really positive, it showed the tumours in the liver were shrinking and bones were healing.  My next scan is the 26th July so getting anxious again.

This forum is brilliant and I have gained so much knowledge from the different posts. I know it’s tough when your first diagnosed but please stay positive. There are so many drugs available now for secondary breast cancer. The best advice I was given was to take one day at a time and not to worry about the things you don’t know.

I’m managing to live a fairly normal life with little side effects which is great. I get mild flushes but that’s it.

Good luck for Monday and let us know how you get on.


Hi   Good luck for Monday.  I have mets in my spine at L2 but unfortunately my  GP insisted the pain was sciatica which complicated matters and I eventually had a fracture before diagnosis.  Once that was fixed with surgery I was started on Fulvestrant, Ribociclib and bone strengtheners in September 2019 which I believe is pretty standard treatment.   My scans have been stable since then.  I am ER positive HER negative and according to my oncologist there are plenty of treatment options and many women survive for a long time on treatment.  There are also new drugs in the pipeline.  Initially there are lots of appointments but this soon settles down.  I go every four weeks for bloods and injections but apart from that I get on pretty normally and enjoy life.  All the best xx

Hi Claire I am 3 years in with secondaries in both lungs base of spine and pelvis 14 years after primary bc . I am on palbociclib letrozole and 3 monthly bone infusion.  Totally understand how you are feeling initially as it’s a minefield. I have scans 3 to 4 monthly and the treatment us keeping things stable. As everyone on here says new treatments and it’s a treatable diagnosis even although it’s never curable lots of people living so much longer. Thinking of you and we are all here to support each other . Liz sending love hugs and positive vibes xx

Hi Clare

Sorry to hear about your spine mets I have 3 spots on my spine which was diagnosed in June following scans etc. I started my treatment of Fulvestrant, Denosumab and Palbociclib on which I think is the same as your treatment. My first treatment took place on 1.7.21, next of only Fulvestrant is 15.7.21 then 2 weeks later (29.7.21) Fulvestrant and Denosumab whilst taking the Palbociclib for 3 weeks with a week off every month. I feel better having started treatment. It is devastating news and I have not yet come to terms with this. I hope you are coping ok and maybe would be good to stay in touch as similar mets and treatment. Louise x